
Great Tips to Improve Your SEO Rankings through Social Media


SEO or Search Engine Optimization has undergone a sea of change from its initial years. A whole new range of algorithm has changed the ground for even playing field. They are trying to rule out malpractices in SEO as well as find unique and user loved sites to rank in the searches more. Along with this the huge surge in popularity of Social Media has changed the dynamics completely. Modern success in page ranking is much more dependent on a successful integration of SEO and Social media. Enhancing SEO with effective and impressive Social Media presence holds the key to success.

seo and social media

Must Read Read: Ways On How Web Hosting Affects SEO

Here are some tips to do it.

TIP 1: Brand Building.

Establishing a strong brand presence is one of the first things to do on the top social networking sites. This makes your site or brand visible on any social search. As the current trend is to stay logged in to their social networking pages almost 24/7, they also try to look for information in those sites.

Using your business name, while signing up in any social media sites, will be a better way to start. This also helps better brand recalling. While signing up try to use the most popular social networking sites as well as the professional networking sites too. Audio visual networking site like YouTube will also do a lot of good.

TIP 2: Share and let them Share.

Insert Share buttons for these networking sites in your page will allow readers or visitors to share contents that they like. This will increase your visibility in your social network and increase your social presence also. The more people share your content or ‘Like’ them, more of their friends will get to learn about you, your content and what you have to offer.

TIP 3: Social Bookmarking.

Social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Reddit, and Pinterest can do wonders to your social presence and SEO. They also provide a great opportunity to go viral. The attribute to “dofollow” has a huge impact.

TIP 4: Beat your own Drum.

Use your brand name at every opportunity. This creates brand visibility as well as brand consciousness among users. Most importantly they will improve search ranking and SEO. Use the brand’s name in all updates, comments and every way possible but always try to make the brand name a part of the content. But do not speak badly about any other brand, as this creates mistrust among the loyal fans also.

TIP 5: Communicate

Good ranking in social media means an active presence in the media. The secret of successful social media presence and thereby successful SEO is not only building a page.

Use the social media page to interact with your consumers. Post relevant contents, interact with other brands and followers. Use the page to launch, advertise, and float discount and contests. Using the page for direct interaction can also be a good idea.

More likes, shares, follows, tweets are likely to rank your page higher in search results.


With the population in social media increasing at a phenomenal rate every second, it is one of the best places for SEO. Keeping the basics right and ethically correct SEO can be done to increase your business and brand promotion hugely in these sites. People are getting more and more dependent on social media to find information on about everything possible, particularly consumer goods. So using them properly and effectively will definitely help promote business and SEO.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

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  1. Correct, all these tips are really helpful and it will increase the Seo Ranking.

  2. Thanks a lot for this great tips and ideas..It do helps me a lot.

    IM archiving

  3. This is really a nice approach to SEO, SEO is pretty changed nowadays, we should have to focus on the different KW not on some I mean to say KWs must be variant.

  4. Top quality back links building packages are links pointing to your websites that are coming from another website that has authority in search engines based upon it’s web page rank.If you’re not sure what web page rank is, Google it. There’s LOT’s of great info.Essentially, if you want your web pages on your site or blog to position well in the online look for engine, they need to have a high web page rank. When your site is new, it has a web page rank of 0. Most small sites and blogs that position well in the search engines tend to have a web page rank of 1-5. The highest web page rank is 10, which only sites like Google, Yahoo, Youtube, etc.

  5. Frequently engaging with your followers and visitors is an important factor if you want your Moderated ranking be always on top. It'll also help build good rapport with your viewers.


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