
7 Great Places I submit My Blog Posts for Fresh Traffic

As bloggers, Once we Publish a post, we can't just leave it like that and walk away

Your Blog is updated? YES
Will Google Bot automatically crawl and index your newest post and put on their Search Engine? YES

But it doesn't stop here,  there are several places (Directories) you will need to submit that new blog posts, depending on your niche, coz you just can't be sharing an Art related post in a Tech Directory, I'm not sure anyone will view it.
As soon as I publish my posts, I carry out my own Manual Update Activities, by Sharing the Post to Various Websites and directories, so users can have a look at my latest stuff, and in turn bring me some good amount of Fresh Traffic.

Below are the greatest finest Places/Directories where I share my Posts, immediately they're Published.

1. Facebook:

 We all know the social network is one of the biggest places people meet in the world, you can share your posts with your friends there, it should even have more impact since it's coming from someone they know. Having lots of friends will even increase traffic, I never knew the essence of having lots of facebook friends till I realised my traffic increased simultaneously as my facebook friends were multiplying.
So the concept is simple "More Facebook Friends. More Traffic"


Extra tip: Another Efficient ways to Get Facebook Traffic

i. Facebook Groups, just incase you're still  growing your amount of FB friends, you can try out Joining few Facebook Groups with lots of members in it, and start Sharing your Posts in them, but do it Carefully and abide by their Rules, else you may get banned for Spamming.

2. Twitter with EasyRetweet:

Twitter is one great place I had no idea could get me cool traffic, you'll need tons of Followers to make this possible, but if you don't much followers then start using EasyRetweet.

EasyRetweet is one great app you can use to spread your tweets and reach twitter users that have thousands of followers than You.
Here's how it works:
I get to retweet other people's links, and earn points, after gathering the points, these same points are what I use to tweet my own Post Links, so I can target a Twitter user having 20,000 fans Retweeting my post, and when they do.. Viola! that's fat traffic!

3. StumbleUpon:

StumbleUpon is another nice place I share my latest posts, they used to be my 3rd Source of traffic, till few things changed with their system, with reasons not yet known, hope to bounce back with them soon.
The fact remains that I still get moderate traffic from them, they still stumble my pages when I share my posts.

4. Pinterest: 

Pinterest Should favor bloggers who deal alot with Pictures on their posts, I mean good looking photos, I get traffic from them, but the condition is that someone has to Repin your photo, more repins,ore traffic.
Despite that, I share my stuff and get myself some audience from there too.


5. So.Cl

A blogger pal introduced this one to me sometime back, it's a Microsoft owned Social Network, growing up very fast.
The first day I shared my post there, I got new friends, which means it's not only bringing traffic, it also helps too interact and meet new like minded people.
The place had been upgraded recently, they did little changes, indeed it was a cool upgrade.

The New way To Share your Posts on So.Cl

A Java Bookmarklet was formally used, but it's been removed, so here's how to share on so.cl
* Sign In
* Click the + plus button near the"Type a Topic to create Post" OR CLICK HERE
* Put your Post title (give it a sweet name)
* Hover to the upper right, add the postlink, > Again click the plus button, it should start fetching photos from the post. Choose one
* Type in the Tag and Share!
Next should you see Likes, comments, Riffs and Traffic coming in. You'll like it

6. Reddit

Been hearing so much about Reddit, so I gave it a trial, and it was Splendid!
Reddit is a huge directory, that lets you post your content and articles for interested people to read. After signing up, Give the post an Attractive Title, use Add a tag about the post (would get more traffic if it's a Popular Tag), and Submit Link.

7. Forums & Blog Commenting

If you have gained a good reputation in a forum, creating threads containing link to your newest related post about the thread is a good idea, I have done this few times, and it helped me.
Moreso, I walk around the web, commenting on blogs, I make sure my comment look tasty, so others can see, and click my profile to see my own blog.
This fetches me some traffic, and build me backlinks.
You can try it too.


These were not only places I submit my latest post for fresh traffic, it's also an Awesome way to get some good chunk of real traffic, it doesn't matter if your blog is Old or New, the traffic will come to stay, and the more you write great articles, publish them and submit your new posts, the more your traffic will increase.

If you have places where you submit your Latest posts, you can Share by commenting below.
Don't forget to use the share buttons.



Why Not Share This Post? It Takes Just A Second!!

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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!


  1. This is definitely a great share, i post to all the above mentioned sites as well. I also use content syndication sites. I listed them here http://netmediablog.com/content-syndication-how-it-can-improve-your-blogs-traffic/

  2. correct post, very interesting

  3. very interesting post. i will check on that so.cl because i don't know what is wrong with my reddit. kindly check on my post too. computerwidgets.blogspot.com

  4. I've never heard of so.cl so I'm pretty skeptical about that one.

  5. very informative post, thanks buddy


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