
Best Way To Change and use Proxy Servers/LocalHost- for browsing On Google Chrome

Many of us know Firefox comes with Proxy Settings feature, which enables us to Configure how our Firefox connects to the internet, Unlike Chrome browser which doesn't come with this same feature.
Chromes directly uses your Primary Computer proxy settings on Windows, often times I had tried changing my PC proxy to that of Local host so it would power my Chrome to surf the web, but no success with all my trials.

So I had no option, I usually stick to my Firefox because of it's availability to be able to change my Proxy settings to enable it receive data when I'm browsing via tunneling software like YourFreedom, SimpleServer, and few others, these tunnel softwares need you to connect to local host before they work on your browsers, so today I'll share with us, the best, fastest and easiest way to use Proxy servers on Google Chrome, especially via the popular LocalHost address -

The Two Best methods are:

1. via SwitchySharp extension

Switchysharp extension for Chrome is very simple to use, helps you manage and change Proxy and ports. My screenshot shows us this, and it's very easy to understand.

2. via Running the Command Line

 This method proves the best and fastest way to browsing on Chrome with LocalHost address
Simply Go to your Windows Menu icon, search "Run"
or simply Press your Windows button+R
then copy and paste the command line here >>
chrome.exe --proxy-server=
Hit enter

Your Chrome open as normal, but will automatically surf the web via the LocalHost or Proxy address and Port your applied on that Command line.
Hope this proved useful, why not take a second to hit our Share button. ;)


*Updated* MTN BIS Now Working on Android Again with DroidVPN (for July 2014!)

Android users who know about DroidVPN should quickly check this one out, it's working real fast as at the moment of this Post,  

MUST SEE THIS  UPDATE! - ALL-IN-ONE! Latest Browsing Tweaks For MTN, GLO, ETISALAT and AIRTEL Users This 2015

ALL-IN-ONE! Latest Browsing Tweaks For MTN, GLO, ETISALAT and AIRTEL Users This 2015 - See more at:
ALL-IN-ONE! Latest Browsing Tweaks For MTN, GLO, ETISALAT and AIRTEL Users This 2015 - See more at:
ALL-IN-ONE! Latest Browsing Tweaks For MTN, GLO, ETISALAT and AIRTEL Users This 2015 - See more at:
Make sure you have an active MTN BIS, or subscribe to any of your choice by dialing *123*4*1# to choose a plan, you're suggested ouse the Daily BBC plan ( Send BBCDAY to 21600 ), once it's active.
Follow the Settings Below to Join the Enjoyment on your Android with MTN BIS plan :)

Proxy : leave it empty
port: leave it empty

Now go into ur droid vpn setting

choose tcp for d connection after that change
UDP: 53
TCP: 5222
bind local: 1100
Now go to HTTP header settings in Droidvpn
That's all

To make browsing connection stable, Open Terminal emulator (You can download Terminal emulator from Play Store) and type "ping"
In the Droidvpn, enable proxy address
PORT: 8080
then CONNECT and enjoy. See my of DroidVPN Connected Screenshot below.
Credits to Mayoorcotyz of GL forum.

Also Read: Easy Guide on How To Use DroidVPN on All (Rooted & Unrooted) Android devices
Another great news is you can use it on your PC, after DroidVPN is connected, turn on your phone's Hotspot so you can also flex the fast browsing experience on your PC.
Enjoy and Don't forget to hit our SHARE button ;)