
7 Android Apps that Inspire, Motivate and Capture Your Imagination

While people often think of mobile devices and apps as reminders of a fast-paced technological world and hindrances to relaxation, many apps are actually designed to help users feel relaxed, inspired and motivated. These handy Android apps can keep you inspired and motivated on the go.

1. The Bucket List by Metosphere

The Bucket List is a free Android app that lets you write your lifelong to-do list. You can prioritize items and share them on The Bucket List's social network to inspire others and get inspired, and you get to cross them off as you finish them.

2. GoalTracker

GoalTracker is a free app that lets you track daily activities like exercise, work, reading and more. GoalTracker can quantify the amount of time spent doing target activities and compare them to the goals you set over time.

3. Meditation Helper

Meditation Helper

Meditation Helper is a free app that helps you practice daily meditation by letting you set the amount of time you wish to meditate, sounding a helpful start and end chime and tracking your progress on a daily basis.

4. BodySpace by Bodybuilding.com

BodySpace is a free Cell phone app from Bodybuilding.com that connects you to BodySpace, an online health and fitness network. BodySpace offers the benefit of detailed descriptions of your favorite exercises, mobile TV workout videos and support from their social network community.


5. Relaxus

Relaxus offers soothing nature sounds and therapeutic meditative music designed to promote relaxation and restful sleep. Sound scenes from nature are coupled with nature images and include beaches, waterfalls, birds and crickets. The atmospheric meditative music includes flutes, violins, the Tibetan bowl and more. The fully unlocked app costs about four dollars.

6. Mindjet

Mindjet is a free brainstorming and idea-building app that helps users organize their thoughts and map them out with a branching structure. Users can attach files and links to their MindJet files. MindJet is perfect for anyone who hates to forget spontaneous ideas.

7. Build Confidence by Andrew Johnson

Build Confidence is an app designed to help people feel good about themselves. The app leads users through relaxation exercises such as self-hypnosis, guided imagery, deep breathing and meditation. The relaxing music promotes restful sleep. The full app costs about three dollars. In addition to Build Confidence, Andrew Johnson has designed other apps such as Deep Sleep and Lose Weight.
Using these handy Android apps can help remind you to stay focused, relaxed, inspired, motivated and confident.

Author Bio:
Jennie is a tech blogger residing in Northern California. Away from the computer, she enjoys visiting with her friends, scrapbooking and DIY home projects.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

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1 comment:

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