
How I Received $25 Bonus with My MasterCard from Payoneer For Free!

Hi there, today I'll be showing you latest and best practices on how to receive your Payoneer MasterCard in Nigeria and other countries FREE in 2018.

You also will learn how you can make some cool cash online from Payoneer bonuses using your same Payoneer account. Before that I'll like to briefly tell us somethings about this service called Payoneer because they go beyond helping you making money, they also offer wonderful Payment Services.


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Payoneer is the Best PayPal alternative, it's used to Send and Receive mass payments with/from or for Individuals, Small and Big Companies. Payoneer Debit MasterCard service is awesome.
Many hear of Payoneer, but they are yet to know what Payoneer can do for them, well this post is for you too...

Here's What Payoneer Can Do For You:

  • Help you Send and Receive Mass Payments whether to or from Small or Big Companies
  • With your Payoneer Account and MasterCard, you can Use it to Link and Verify your PayPal Account.
  • Payoneer creates a U.S Local bank account for you, which means You can use your Payoneer to withdraw your PayPal funds or any Cash deposited into your Bank Account.
  • You Can use your Payoneer to Receive and Withdraw your Amazon Earnings from any part of the World.
MUST READ: Do You Know You? can Get a Paper Check from PayPal

Below is a picture of my Payoneer Card received few weeks ago, I shared it on Instagram 

Just Like me you too can get $25 as Bonus along with your Payoneer MasterCard, you can receive your Payoneer card in Nigeria like me, and it's Absolutely easily & Free.

Here's how to receive Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard

To Get Your Payoneer Account with Card in 2017 and Claim your Bonus, Simply Follow the Steps Below
1. Sign Up for Payoneer Account Here, click on SIGN UP

2. Make sure you Input your Real Name, Home Address and your POSTAL code number of your Address, they'll be needing it to easily locate you.

3. Asking Your IDENTITY in Payoneer, You can take a Picture of any of your Government issued I.D cards, like your Voters Card, Driver's License or National I.D (Front and Back), they'll provide you option to either Send the documents to their email or Upload them.
In my case, I used my Voter's Card, I Chose to send it to them via Email so they can See and confirm the front and back where the Serial Number of the I.D is written, this proves to them that you're Serious and Genuine.

4. Serial number of I.D -  You can input those numbers written in your I.D cards, e.g below the back of your Voter's card or National I.D, that's all I did.
It took 20 Days (almost a month) for it to be processed and shipped to my address in Lagos, Nigeria.

Note: Reason for the delay was due to my Location was quite far from Payoneer's Home Office, people living closer to Payoneer's operating office should receive theirs faster.


Once you get the MasterCard, you'll get an Email asking you to ACTIVATE. Go to your Account and use the Payoneer MasterCard to Activate it with the CCV code at back of the Card, more importantly, you activate the card also by changing the password (ATM Pin) of the card.
Now load or Receive 100$ into your Payoneer Account and you will get 25$ as bonus  instantly.

Now, you can Double your Bonus by Referring or Inviting friends to use the Payoneer Service. You see, why I actually love this part is that; it's a WIN-WIN program, everybody gets the bonus, they too will receive the bonus with you, the more you refer, the more your Bonus will Double and Triple from $25 to 50, to $100 then you can withdraw your Bonus from any ATM Machine which supports MasterCard near you.

Once again follow this Link here or click the Banner below to Join and Get your $25 Now!


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
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Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!


  1. Nice! I Love payoneer... I learnt more about them from your post - THANKS from NOSR blog

  2. Pls WHR is payoneer office in Nigeria located bcos I have ordered for three cards since january but non has reached me ova here,thank you

    1. Sorry, Nwachukwu Enyioko, they don't have an Office in Nigeria now. But you can always call them to ask, or visit the nearest post office in your locality.

  3. Nice Article buddy.
    Thanks for sharing it.


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