
How To Free Low Memory of Local Hard Disk or C-Drive in Windows PC

Over time, as we use our laptops/desktop Windows Computers, it gets full after Installing and loading it with various Files, Folders and Data, for example Music, Softwares, Caches, downloaded files and even unknown files.
I remember using up the Memory of my PC to the extent the Local disk was displaying in RED COLOR, this means, the Memory was critically Low. Now what do you do when your Local Hard Disk ( C: Drive ) is critically Low? To the state its displaying Red...
The Answer and Solution is to free up the Memory or Change the entire Local/C: Drive to a much upgraded one.


In this post I will show us how we can Free up the memory space of your Local disk or C: Drive, so whenever you're ready, you can buy and replace it with another Upgraded one.

ALSO READ: How To Manually Clean temp Files/Folders on Windows 8, Windows 7 & Vista

Follow the Simple Steps below to Free up the Low Memory in your C: Drive

1. Open "Computer" to locate or view your Local Disk [ C: Drive ]

2. Now look up by the upper left, you'll See System Properties, Click on system Properties >> System Protection >> click on Advanced system settings

3. A New Window will Pop up, there you'll find System Protection, seen it? Now click on it.

4. There you'll see Configure Settings, Manage disk Space, and delete restore points.

Make sure the Radio Button is Selected at "Restore Settings and Previous version Files"


Your Disk Space usage Limit can be controlled from there too, make sure it is set 50% for Best results.

5. Now move your mouse down, click DELETE - This wipes off all previous versions of old files that is taking up space in the system. Installed Software and Files in your Documents in your PC will not be harmed.

Now Click OK.

That's all, Very Easy!

Your Local Hard Disk C: Drive's memory is Free now, the Red color displaying on your Local Hard Disk will be gone as you have cleared up most stuff that had been eating up the memory.
Hope this worked for you.

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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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