
My Success Story - Earning With Konga Affiliate Program

Affiliate Programs are one of the major sources of Online cash for some publishers, it's a broad discussion today. In the past before Konga Associate or Affiliate Program came on board, when I was still trying to understand the meaning of Affiliate Programs, I used Google Affiliate Network known as G.A.N... I saw few others putting it on their blogs, I was a Learner, so I followed the crowd, (although the Product has been Shut down now) the Result was Null, I got nothing from it, I dumped it and moved over to CJ Affiliate Program, still there was No Luck, so I quit and forgot every that had to do with Affiliate Programs or How much money people make with it.

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I took other things serious, Like Creating More Content and Readership on my Blog. I totally put Affiliate Topics off my mind until late last year 2014, when E-commerce/Online shopping had grown rapidly in my locality, I am speaking of, one of the Biggest Online Store in Nigeria now.

How I Found & Signed up with Konga Affiliate/Associate Program

Konga's website which I noticed more often. They were always on my Facebook Newsfeed advertising various products, so when I heard they ran Affiliate Program which few Bloggers in my community were already earning from, I had to dust my eyes and give another Shot to what seemed to be initially abortive with the Other Affiliate Programs I had tried 2years ago, I was a bit sure this time because of my Traffic had improved and was targeted at Nigerians who possibly Shop Online.

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I had also gathered better knowledge so I decided giving my Best Shot with the Konga Affiliate Program, So I hopped in again around August 2014. I applied and I got accepted into the Konga Affiliate Program withing 24hours.

I started Promoting products in late November when The remarkable BlackFriday Shopping day was near, fortunately it was right time for me to test things out, so I set out, Wrote a Review about the KONGA'S FALL YAKATA BLACKFRIDAY SALES.
Every Affiliate member also got mailed to Promote their BlackFriday Deals which I followed up, see let me tell you, the Cool thing about Konga Affiliate Program is you'll Get Simple Guides in your Mailbox on What to Promote & What to Do that will Help you Earn more Commissions, this is not a secret or shortcut but Konga makes this so easy for their Affiliates. So, days Later just after BlackFriday Sales, I started getting Commission Alerts in my mailbox for every Sales I made.

My Commissions Reaches Threshold and Gets Paid!!! 

Just before the end of 2014, when Konga Announced Infinix Hot X507, I made a Quick review of the Smartphone, I also did another Hands-On Review of the same Infinix Hot X507, we all loved the review of that Cool phone. So, Once again, the results were Wonderful. It didn't take Long for my Commissions to reach Threshold. My earnings got Paid to me via Bank Wire Transfer, that's the Payment Option I chose. Below is a screenshot of my Commissions Paid straight into my account.

Konga payment Affiliate Program

What am I saying so Far?

It doesn't matter if you even own a Blog/website Or Not, as long as you own a Social Media Account, you can make some cool bucks with Konga Affiliate program, you can make Sales through Word of mouth, or your Social Media Accounts (telling people to Shop on Konga through your Affiliate Link). Like I said before, they make it very Easy, with Full Support and Quick Response system for their Affiliates. If you're interested in Joining the Konga Affiliate Program >> Click here << New Affiliates you'll get 500Naira for Signing up. My First Commission isn't so huge for me to Brag about, but it's a Proof that they're Very Real.

Keep in touch, Subscribe via Email or Follow Us on Social Media (FACEBOOK, TWITTER) because in the next Update, I'll be showing us How You can Earn earn sweet commissions like this from Affiliate programs like Konga.
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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!


  1. Hello Edi, this post is not worth a read. We don't want to see your testimony alone. We want to know how you did it; how you placed the codes.

    There are a lot of people out there who don't know how to do that.

    1. Hi Magnus,
      If you read down to the last sentence I made in th post, I said "I'll be showing us How You can Earn earn sweet commissions like this from Affiliate programs like Konga"
      I have done a follow up to it , so you can go HERE AND READ IT UP
      Hope That answers your query. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Hi Edi. Very cool write up. I will give it a shot. My site is Cheers

  3. This post actually ranks high on Google. Can you teach me some seo?

  4. Thanks guys! And Akinyemi, you can always check our SEO category for that, or use our search bar, just type in the keywords. I have written and published some topics on SEO you might like.


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