
How Your Brand or Business Can Get The Best Out of Social Media in 2015


Social media is a versatile tool in the personal and professional lives of most people today. It can also be a vital tool for businesses to utilize in digital marketing strategies. Social media may look easy to use, but businesses have a fine line to walk when it comes to finding the right audience and engaging them in a way that goes beyond a simple sales pitch. For social media to work, here are some things that businesses should remember.

Reaching the Audience You Want

Social media provides you with a worldwide audience --but that does not mean that you should try and target the whole world. It can be overwhelming to find your audience on social media at first, but with the use of tools such as hashtags and social media optimization, you can find the people who are most likely to buy your products and services because of the things they are passionate about.

You can also use social media to help your existing customer base find you online. Having existing satisfied customers connected with you can provide you with better word-of-mouth advertising that your business will need to keep reaching for success.

Expressing Thoughts Beyond Advertising

Another aspect of social media that customers have come to expect from businesses is that they go beyond the blatant advertising posts and tweets. Customers want to know that by following your brand, they are getting something more than they can get from a television advertisement or online banner ad. It is important to not only provide them with engaging content, but to still be able to tie in that content with your products and services. This can be done in a variety of different ways depending on what industry your business is in.

Social Media Engagement 

Keeping a Direct Connection with Customers

One of the biggest benefits to brands who utilize social media as part of a wider digital marketing campaign is that your brand can get instant feedback on what customers are thinking. If you have set up your customer service system around this concept, then you can quickly change things and incorporate feedback into product design, marketing and sales quicker than the businesses still using marketing research alone.

The one drawback to this instant feedback is that you have to be quick to acknowledge a problem and work to solve it. If customer feel like they are not being heard, they will move on to the competition who may be using a better digital strategy for customer service.

Showing and Giving Support

Younger customers today are looking for brands that not only provide products and services that are environmentally friendly but also provide proof of a social conscience. Social media savvy brands are not just promoting their products and building a thoughtful engagement with their audience. They also provide customers with information on how their brand, product or service is taking it a step further to give back and support others, whether around the world or in the local community.

Social media is a great tool for connection with your audience and can be used in a number of ways to get the word out about your brand without resorting to plain advertising. As long as you have a good plan for your social media strategy in place, it can only benefit your overall marketing strategy.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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