
What is IMEI? Top 4 Websites with Tools For Checking Valid IMEI Number


Billions of people, including you, may have No idea about the importance of the IMEI Number in the mobile phone you're using. You're only aware you have network, you can make, receive calls, send SMS, chats and Browse the Internet with it. But your Device works with IMEI number, a unique number which makes it go beyond what you're thinking.

Let's roll back to the Basics of  IMEI
IMEI - literally stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity.

After buying a new Smartphone, you may Notice it on the receipt, on the Phone's Box, or/and the phone's back. It's also used as proof of Warranty incase you're taking it back to Phone Store or Repairer.
Each IMEI number is built to be Unique in every single mobile device no matter how many Billions of devices are produced. These Unique digits aren't to appear twice.
The purpose of an IMEI goes beyond simple identification and the number can be used to block devices from accessing the cellular network.


If your phone is stolen and you notify your service provider, they will block the device from their network and in some regions block other networks too. In some countries, Police often keep a record of stolen phones and use IMEI numbers as identification.

Further More, Some imported Smartphones are built to never allow any other any Cellular Network to give it Signal. Such Network Providers could bind these smartphones to their network, this was basically Possible through the IMEI of the smartphone.
While it's drastically Unlawful to change or tamper with phone's IMEI in some Locations, others feel  there's nothing wrong with that since they're Only trying to make things work.

Do you have issues with your Mobile Not receiving Network Signal? It could be due to IMEI number, perhaps it's been Blacklisted, that's why I have created this post to show us websites that serve as Tools to help us do the following;
* Check whether Existing Or New IMEI of a smartphone is Valid, 
* Check Reported IMEI numbers and be able to Tell if your device may have been Blacklisted or Stolen before it got to you, although, this is not Certain, but it might be if the IMEI was tampered with.
* Help to let you know exactly what your phone’s IMEI number says about your handset.


IMEI.info is Our Number One IMEI validator tool in this list, reason is they had been in the game for a very Long while, they handle thousands of requests related to IMEI and phone Theft issues for users.
With IMEI.info, They have CALCULATOR, to help you Complete IMEI numbers if you provide them with first Relevant digits.
I use them regularly pertaining to IMEI numbers, be it Android, Apple (Iphone), Blackberry, Nokia, etc.


 Another good website with great tools for IMEI issues, you can Look-up for Valid IMEI also, and report Stolen Phone there too.


This is another international website with a very good tool for checking Validity of your IMEI, if you are Satisfied with the others above, you should try this one.


This one is very good at checking for reported, blacklisted or Stolen devices, you can use it to check whether your IMEI is Safe for Use.

There's One More IMEI validator, specifically meant for ONLY IPHONES, you can check it out >>>  HERE - IPHONE IMEI
Sometimes, the tools on the above websites depend on your Locations, so you may have to put that into consideration.


Basically, you can check IMEI of many phones by dialing *#06#  But what if that doesn't work for you Use the Procedures below:
  • iOS (iPhone, LTE/3G iPad): Found in the Settings > General > About menu.
  • Android: Found in the “Settings” menu under “About Phone”.
  • Older Sony or Sony Ericsson (Xperia): Enter “ * Right * Left Left * Left * ” on the keypad.
  • Older Blackberry or newer Sony Ericsson: Found in the “Options” menu under “Status”.
It's very important and smart of us to be aware of what we are holding and using everyday like our various phones.
Hope we found the post educating, We may Use the LIKE + SHARE Buttons to share this with friends everywhere, who knows, you may help save someone from IMEI trouble.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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