
Slow Laptop? Fix It in 7 Easy Steps


It always happens. You buy a new laptop and it's faster than a greased cheetah on espresso. But after a couple of years, it's slower than grandma's hound dog after a night on the town.
Apart from common hardware issues like Keyboard problems or display problems which you can resolve by going for laptop LCD screen replacements.
Here are some simple ways for even the non techies among us to speed that system back up like new again.

1. Update Antivirus Software and Run a Scan

PC health

The first consideration with a slow laptop is antivirus or spyware infection. This is particularly a problem with notebooks for students because young people often forget to update this software and run scans. Choose a trusted antivirus program, install it and run a scan. Don't have any other programs running during the scan.

2. Run a Disk Cleanup and Defragment

Disk Cleanup and Defragment

As with running an antivirus scan, you won't want to have any other programs running when you use these tools. Choose a time when you can be around to click "ok" occasionally. You can find both of these tools by clicking Start, then Performance Information and then Tools. This is different for different versions of Windows, however. A clean, defragmented system runs faster.

3. Remove Unused Programs

Unused Programs

Open Add and Remove Programs and take a look at what's out there. Chances are, there are tons of software packages you've downloaded and installed that you never use. Remove them using the prompts provided in the Remove Programs box. This frees up disk space and speeds up the computer.

4. Clean Out Old Files

Computer document

Close all running programs and open the My Documents or Documents folder on your desktop. Are there lots of files and documents here you don't need anymore? Delete them. These files are taking up storage space, and full hard drives always run slower.

5. Take Programs Out of the Startup Menu

Computer StartUp Menu

Across the bottom of your Windows screen, there are rows of icons that you can click and instantly start a program. Many programs put themselves here automatically when installed if you don't know how to prevent it. Go to System Configuration in Windows and take unnecessary startup programs out. You'll still be able to access these through Start, All Programs.

6. Check for Possible Disc Errors

Disc Errors 

Occasionally, an error in the disk is the cause of a slow system. Go to My Computer, then right-click Hard Drive and click on properties. Open the Tools tab and go to the Error Checking section. Choose Check Now or Schedule Disk Check and click OK. If you choose Check Now, it will run the scan immediately. Schedule Disk Check allows you to tell it when a convenient time to scan is, so you won't forget later.

7. Restart Computer

After performing each of the steps above, reboot your computer. Some of the steps, such as running an antivirus scan or Disk Cleanup and Defragmentation will prompt you to do so. Rebooting allows the computer to reset itself and initiate any changes you've made.
It's a good idea to use your Task Scheduler or other reminder to run antivirus scans, Disk Cleanups, Disk Defragmentation and other computer maintenance regularly.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
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  1. Slow laptop or computer creates many problems and waste the time as well. So before start your work checking it properly. As these are many ways through which you will easily increase the speed of the computer. Like download registry cleaner and many more. So use this trick and take advantage.

  2. There are only few places from where you can buy the genuine laptop parts of the famous brands, which can help restoring the performance of your favorite machine. Therefore, it will be necessary to check the credentials of the online shop, before you make a purchase.


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