
The Best VoIP Calling Apps for the iPhone 5

Apple's latest flagship smartphone, the iPhone 5, has been one of the most popular phones of the last six months. In amongst its range of exciting new features, it still caters the simple need to keep up in the social loop with your contacts. As it can be quite expensive to talk on the phone, even with your plan through a wireless carrier, there is VoIP technology that you can rely on. VoIP means "voice over Internet protocol" and is a means of keeping in touch with your contacts through online . In the case of doing so with your iPhone 5, it involves a number of great apps that can allow you to take part in video calls for free, even with individuals who live in other countries. Some of the top VoIP apps for the iPhone 5 are explored below.


truphone for Iphone
Truphone is one of the best free VoIP apps for the iPhone 5. It allows you to make and receive voice calls to and from your friends, family members, coworkers and other individuals across the world for absolutely free. It was one of the first apps released for making VoIP calls and works over Wi-Fi or your wireless data plan.




Viber is a free app that allows you to make and receive free phone calls and textsfrom anywhere in the world. International calls are completely free, overriding expensive cell phone charges you might otherwise accrue. You can also enjoy sending and receiving photos and text messages for absolutely free, which makes using the app a joy. It supports multiple languages and is always on, working in the background on your iPhone 5.


Tango for iphones 

Tango Text, Voice and Video is free and allows you to enjoy free voice and video calls to anyone in the world. You can also send and receive free videos, photos and text messages. Using Tango is easy and fun. You can also enjoy new features such as sharing photos to Facebook, using avatars and video filters and more.



Talkatone is a free app that allows you to enjoy free voice calls with anyone in the world. It works in conjunction with Google Voice by allowing you to engage in the calls without having to use your cell phone plan's talk minutes. It is considered the highest rated VoIP app and works on Wi-Fi or wireless data.



iCall is free and allows you to make free phone calls to anyone, anywhere. It is easy to use and you can receive calls even when you are not running the app on your iPhone. There are no roaming charges, and you can save your plan's cell phone minutes.
These apps are all well worth downloading. You will be pleased with the quality of your calls and with how much money you will save on your wireless plan.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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  1. This post is quite useful for i phone users and apps will definitely help to users of i phone 5 for VoIP calls ,if due to any other reasons they are unable to have access to these apps then they can take VoIP service from VoIP service providers such as Speechpathwhich is quite cost productive and let you connect to a big business with multiple other facilities.

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