
Best Image/Photo & Graphic Editors For Symbian S60V3, S60V5, Symbian ^3 & Java

Sure, we have Default  Music players and Image Editors coming along with our Symbian and Java phones, it's definite that these Default editors lack certain features which make them very limited.
Therefore, in this Post I will be Sharing the Best and Easy-to-handle Image Editors you can use on your Symbian, and Java phones too, so if you are a phone geek, you like playing around with Apps, and photos  to give yourself some lift above your peers then, you're sure gonna like this.

These mobile Graphic/Photo Editor Apps below are absolutely cool, I recommend them as the best so far, they posses features which can contest the designs you do with Applications like CorelDraw, Paint.NET and the Adobe PhotoShop on your PC.

Where we go: 

Best Photo Editors For your Symbian 




Idesigner had been around for years, yet is Number One photo editor used by Symbian geeks.
It works under the Python Framework, so you will need to have the runtime installed before the App can work on your Symbian

Features on Idesigner include:
  • Supports jpg and png formats
  • Switch and Work between two images
  • Ability to Convert Images - Cut, Re-size, shading, lighting, blurring etc
  • More cool Editing Tools -  Pencil, Eraser, Sprayer, Eye-dropper, magnifier and so on.
Get - Python Runtime for Symbian OS here

You really should try it out  - DOWNLOAD IDesigner  HERE 


propaint mobile

The Propaint mobile is a very flexible photo editing tool, this is because it supports both Symbian and Java Phones. It's also a graphic app and optimiser, just incase you would be doing corrections on photos.
  • Supports JPEG, BMP, PNG and GIF formats
  • You can Cut, Crop, Resize and Paste images.
  • Text tool for writing on the photos
  • Brush and Color Tool etc
You may get it here >> PRO PAINT MOBILE v2.3 S60v3/S60v5 and Java

Image Com

image com 

This is the Simplest of them all, though it doesn't have much Tools as Idesigner and Propaint, it's the Easiest to use, especially when you need to modify images that have very high definition and Sizes, Image com solves the problem of Reducing them into smaller useful images.

Get Image Com v 2.2 HERE

Camera Magica 1.1.2

Camera Magica is not really a photo editor, the app helps to Enhance the powers of your Symbian phone's camera.
With this app, you can be a Better photographer, and bring out the best or funniest out of the photos you take.
  • Rotate, scale or mirror pictures
  • Automatic balancing of histograms
  • Apply color effects like sepia, invert or burn colors
  • Apply filters, i. e. blur, sharpen or emboss
  • Exposure settings for night and daylight
  • Automatic panorama stitching
  • Digital zoom
  • Photo montage using transition masks
 You definitely will be having fun using this, Get the app HERE > Camera Magica 1.1.2 FOR S60

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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
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Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!


  1. photorite too is good

  2. i have been getting 'installation not supported' messages for all the above mentioned apps. They are not working

  3. You're gonna have to h@ck your Phone, then Install Python framework for symbian, see this Post to know how to do this.

  4. Thanks! Very useful for me.


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