Internet has given us a lot of advantages. Firstly, this is the cheapest and fastest mode of communication. Second, it's a huge catalog of all existing information from the whole world. And thirdly, it is the best way to purchase goods.
Now, to buy a phone or clothes you do not need necessarily have to go out of your own room. We just need to go to the site, select the desired item and order it. It is fast and convenient.
But there's only one problem - the Price. The fact is that on official Online stores, price is always much higher than the selling price which other sellers might be using. This is why the perfect place is JIJI.NG where ads are placed from all over Nigeria. - the special website for advertisement. It has placed at least a hundred thousand (100,000) proposals with all sorts of goods. At the same time every 5 minutes the directories gets updated with new applications.
You just need to Create an Account >> add a photo of the item >> set the price tag, write description and wait for a customer.
You do not need to pay anything and spend money on advertising. Just wait for the call. Simple isn't it?
It has a very convenient and easy management. On the site You'll find the entire country of Nigeria, divided into the cities. You can view the items in your town and in others. And then arrange delivery.
To find a product you need to enter the name in the search box and click. Or you can go to a special directory under the card.
Here are Categories of what you can find: - mobile phones, vehicles, electronics, pets etc. And the most important thing is that you can even find a Job!
Quick Procedure for Buyer: The buyer communicates directly with the seller. To do this, you can call or write a message.
And most importantly - new listings are added by real people with a photo. You do not need to be afraid of fraud, because fraud is excluded. And it is possible to file a complaint.
Buying from a real person - is a huge plus as Goods cost very less in the official store at Jiji, and you can always bargain.
For example, if you need to buy trucks. You go in the special section "Vehicles", or if you'd like a Car, it's all already there, just select "Cars". Immediately all the alleged car brands will be displayed before you.
Choose the appropriate one for you and your favorite model and price. It's very simple, and most importantly without cheating.
Or you can search via Google for Mobile phones on Jiji or anything else that you want. is a simple and reliable way to buy and sell anything.
Now, to buy a phone or clothes you do not need necessarily have to go out of your own room. We just need to go to the site, select the desired item and order it. It is fast and convenient.
But there's only one problem - the Price. The fact is that on official Online stores, price is always much higher than the selling price which other sellers might be using. This is why the perfect place is JIJI.NG where ads are placed from all over Nigeria.
... - the special website for advertisement. It has placed at least a hundred thousand (100,000) proposals with all sorts of goods. At the same time every 5 minutes the directories gets updated with new applications.
You & Anyone can publish their offers on Jiji for completely Free.You just need to Create an Account >> add a photo of the item >> set the price tag, write description and wait for a customer.
You do not need to pay anything and spend money on advertising. Just wait for the call. Simple isn't it?
It has a very convenient and easy management. On the site You'll find the entire country of Nigeria, divided into the cities. You can view the items in your town and in others. And then arrange delivery.
To find a product you need to enter the name in the search box and click. Or you can go to a special directory under the card.
Here are Categories of what you can find: - mobile phones, vehicles, electronics, pets etc. And the most important thing is that you can even find a Job!
Quick Procedure for Buyer: The buyer communicates directly with the seller. To do this, you can call or write a message.
And most importantly - new listings are added by real people with a photo. You do not need to be afraid of fraud, because fraud is excluded. And it is possible to file a complaint.
Buying from a real person - is a huge plus as Goods cost very less in the official store at Jiji, and you can always bargain.
For example, if you need to buy trucks. You go in the special section "Vehicles", or if you'd like a Car, it's all already there, just select "Cars". Immediately all the alleged car brands will be displayed before you.
Choose the appropriate one for you and your favorite model and price. It's very simple, and most importantly without cheating.
Or you can search via Google for Mobile phones on Jiji or anything else that you want. is a simple and reliable way to buy and sell anything.
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