
You'll Get Android Lollipop 5.0 Upgrade For Infinix smartphones in July/August

Vividly, we recall the first software updates that came to Infinix Hot X507 few months ago, there were two separate updates but these updates came to fix small bugs in the smartphone.

Even Before and after that update, People have been requesting. Many users have been asking "When will Infinix really send out upgrades to their smartphone Operating Systems?


Good news, we recently published a tutorial on How to Upgrade Infinix Hot Note, Note Pro and Zero 2 to Lollipop 5.1 (Infinix XUI)

Most people are getting fed up with Android Kitkat, 4.4, we all want something new and Sweeter, right?

DON'T MISS - The Complete Guide on How to Perform INFINIX LOLLIPOP UPGRADE For Hot Note and Others

This request have been answered, according to a post by one of their Staffs at Infinix Mobility Forum
You'll Get the New Android Lollipop 5.0 Upgrade For Infinix smartphones in July /August.

ALSO READ: Infinix Android Lollipop Beta 5.1 (Public Beta) Update is Finally Available!

A test version of this Lollipop upgrade will be rolled out in July, then you'll get a Final version of the Lollipop update in August. Cool stuff huh?

The Next Question You may ask...

Which Infinix Smartphones will Get the Android Lollipop 5.0 Operating system upgrade or update?

For now, we have verified Infinix Zero 2 (X509)  that just launched will Get the upgrade, along with Infinix Hot NOTE and HOT NOTE PRO models.

Those using the Infinix Hot X507, we are yet to confirm if it will get the Lollipop upgrade.
I know that smartphone (Hot X507) also deserves this upgrade, for crying out loud it's one of the Best Selling smartphones this Year, we'll definitely let you know once we are sure about an upgrade for the Infinix, let's stick around.

Will the Infinix Lollipop Upgrade be done via OTA? or Manually?

We haven't confirmed this yet, but we expect an OTA (Over The Air) upgrade, via the OTA app named SYSTEM UPDATES, found in your Menu.
But if the Upgrade will be done Manually (the hard way), Not everyone would find it easy, which ever option they'll use, no worries, we'll show you how to do it... till then.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!


  1. AnonymousJuly 16, 2015

    if you have rooted your phone...example infinix hot...will the system update still work??\

    1. Yes it will work whether it is rooted or not, it didn't affect mine, My Infinix Hot was rooted when I performed all the System updates.

    2. I upgraded my phone when I have rooted my Infinix x507 and it got bricked.
      But how can I 'unroot' my phone easily, please.

  2. Pls any update for X509. Infinix_X509?

    1. Yes Oba Grant, there is Lollipop update for Infinix Hot, we have announced it, Click here to see it.
      But if you're yet to see it in your OTA System Update Menu, pls be patient till month end of August because another Official update will still come up.

    2. What of Infinix X506? Any update coming onto that?

  3. So was it an error fit is who use infinix zero? Why is it not among those that will likely have an update?
    Any hope?

  4. What's the benefit of upgrading to lollipop????

    1. MATERIAL DESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. LOL.. :D Thank goodness, you gave a Perfect answer to his question.
      I'll also Add that there are few bugs that gets fixed and the Linux system in Android OS the also improves with a Lollipop upgrade.

  5. please how can i update my infinix hot note pro to lollipop.
    my email:
    pls help me

    1. Hi Kelechi,
      We are currently working on the answers for you.
      We'll show you how to Upgrade your Infinix Hote or Hot Note Pro from Kitkat to Lollipop very soon. Stick around

  6. Please am also in need of the lollipop upgrade for my infinix hot note pro. Again do we have to back up phone data and apps during upgrade? Thanks

  7. how do i commence the update to lolipop 5.1

  8. my infinix zero 2 x509 still not get ota update pls tell me how i can update from kitkat to lollipop
    my phone is rooted i think that is the problem why i have not still get ota update on infinix zero 2 plz tell me the solution

    1. Hi Ahsan,
      just Unroot with KingRoot app (to Avoid bricking) and use the Zero 2 Lollipop ROM we have put here in this post

  9. I have Infinix x501, can I upgrade too? Email at Thanks.


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