
Content Marketing Resources You Can’t Afford to Miss!

When you plan to market and promote your business or any other thing online, then you need content marketing. If you are in the initial stage of your business marketing and promotion, content marketing helps your brand or business to get recognized in your niche market. You could be in a lonely position if you fail to find any kind of resource and support to carry out the content marketing task for your brand. The fact is you could find lots of content resources and guide, which can help you in carrying out this task without any worry or hassle. These resources would help you in giving an edge to your skills and knowledge pertaining to content marketing. Let’s check some of the best resources that you cannot afford to miss about content marketing.


The Content Marketing Institute

This is among the best resource and guide on content marketing, which is supported by an effective community blog wherein you could find a number of informative posts, articles and research papers coming on this subject from real time professionals and experts on this subject. Besides, you could find a number of events, conferences and webinars at different junctures wherein seasoned content marketers share their ideas and mantras about this subject. Their magazine- ‘Chief Content Officer’ is free to subscribe, which come along with comprehensive stuff on content marketing.

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It is a blog, which offers content marketers good resource on this subject and that too for free. You could find a number of ebooks, articles, blog posts, etc. on various aspects of content creation, promotion, distribution and marketing in simple and lucid formats, which are very much helpful to the novices. Their tool called Marketing Grader is a worthy tool, which help you in knowing your strengths and weaknesses about your content marketing strategy. All you need to do is to put your company’s site or blog URL and it will give you a details report about your online marketing efforts along with giving tangible suggestion to improve your strategies.

Alltop Content Marketing

Another good resource for content marketing where you could find insight articles and posts on this subject along with finding the latest news and trends going inside content world. The digital library over Alltop is an incredible place to find comprehensive stuff on content marketing and its effective strategies from seasoned marketers.

This is a digital marketing research company, which produces loads of useful articles and resources on digital marketing trends, content marketing, statistics and several other relevant issues. You could find a couple of original research work on this subject along with getting other informative articles and guides. Going through the different research work and statistics give you enough reason to find an edge over your content marketing strategies you adopt for your blog or site.


It is among the most effective resources on content marketing apart from other subjects like search engine optimization and other online marketing methods. You could find a number of interesting and useful stuff over this place. As content marketing and SEO go hand in hand, hence SEOmoz cover both the subjects in a most comprehensive manner, thus giving you enough opportunity to explore and master these subjects.

Final word

Though you could find several other resources on content marketing, however, the above named ones are among the best sources of exploring this subject in and out. And as you start exploring these resources, you are more likely to get an edge over your content marketing strategies.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

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