As a fledgling business, the need for multiple SSL certificates is slim to none, but as you grow and expand, chances of needing further certificates, from a standard, EV or Wildcardcertificate provider are highly likely.
Now we may ask, What is SSL?
SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer, this encryption technology was created by Netscape. Hence we can say SSL is a technology which creates an encrypted connection between your web server and your visitors' web browser allowing for private information to be transmitted without the problems of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery. That's a brief description from Wikipedia.
Now, to enable SSL on a website, you will need to get an SSL Certificate that identifies you and install it on the server. The use of an SSL certificate on a website is usually indicated by a padlock icon in web browsers but it can also be indicated by a green address bar, I believe we now have a clear understanding of the acronym, let's proceed.
During the start-up stages, a small business will probably only have to manage one website and could apply for the SSL certificate to suit that project and be done with it. Managing one certificate and its public key infrastructure shouldn’t present much of a problem and, as long as you know a little about what you’re doing, you should be able to do it yourself with the help of a Certificate Intelligence Center.
The problem is, Businesses Expand – which is a nice problem to have! However, websites multiply and more SSL certificates have to be installed. Before you know any different, it’s become a little overwhelming for you to control, particularly with everything else on your to-do list. Hiring a systems administrator is a common thing for business owners to do and these technophiles have the sole responsibility of managing the servers, PKI and SSL certificates.
When it comes to managing multiple SSL certificates, many administrators recommend the use of a Managed Public Key Infrastructure which makes the management of these certificates a doddle. Whether you need to look after 10 or 1000 SSL certificates, you can do so with a MPKI system, as well as coping with S/MIME digital identities and Open Financial Exchange certificates.
MPKI allows automatic renewal of SSL certificates which can save a huge amount of time, while using the Symantec MPKI will also give you the benefit of using the Norton Secured Seal of trust – something that will help instil further confidence in both your staff and potential customers.
Make sure that you consider MPKI if/when you expand your business to the dizzy heights where you’ll need one. It’ll save a lot of hassle and will make the whole process a cinch, for easier expansion.
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