
Google Adsense still not Accepting You? Your Niche could be the Problem!

Google Adsense... the definition, history, & what you can do with it is not new to us, so let's move to the main point, which is How Your Niche is Affecting you "Getting Accepted"
Having read lots of issues and topics on Adsense, getting Accepted seems to be the most viral, people are quite desperate to own a Google adsense account under their own name.
At the moment, getting accepted into the Google adsense program seems to be very difficult for newbies, especially when you get rejected the first time you applied.
But then,  let's face it, there are so many reasons why people get rejected right? I had been through that road before, even when you correct those things Google assumed wrong, they still reject you over and over a thousand times, so I had come up with the ideas and tips to help you and I get accepted or Increase your Chances of getting into the Program.

Quickly Glancing through this 15 killer Tips To Apply for Google Adsense. Though my blogger friend mentioned about 8 tips, I stamped THE FIVE PRIMARY TOOLS needed for you to be Accepted are,

  1. Privacy policy, 10% important.
  2. About Page, 15%
  3. Your Real Name and Email verification, 15%
  4. Your design or website layout - 10%
  5. Your CONTENT, 40% the most important!

I know I didn't mention Traffic, which is quite important too but from my analysis, YOUR CONTENT carries the most important value, (your content will bring traffic).


The quantity of posts you have published may not be the case of your disapproval, the QUALITY is what really matters ( hope I'm not the first person saying this).

Adsense loves Niche blogs!

These days, Google base their tests on your content as soon as you apply, content describes your blog and help them know what kind of ads to place on your blog, you would be doing yourself a whole lot of good if you place your blog on one certain Niche.
There are thousands of niches to choose from, it all depends on WHAT YOU KNOW OR LOVE TO WRITE ABOUT.
Now this leads us to another analysis we would be using
Top 6 Most Competitive Niches you should know:
  • Make Money online
  • Social Media
  • Health
  • Technology
  • Web Design
  • Fitness
These are great niches, the only cool thing I see in those niches is the Traffic aspect, you get lots of traffic when you post Popular topics under those niches. Now look again at the title, they are the most COMPETITIVE, so if you decide picking one from the above, you are likely to face difficulties being accepted on Google Adsense.
I put up the Above for you so you can choose wisely,
Choosing a niche is the best strategy I ever knew that get Gets you Accepted! it worked for Me!



Just like everyone else, I loved tech alot, I was born into the blogosphere reading tech blogs, I had all the stuff it took to be accepted, Interesting posts, nice design, traffic, everything, yet for more than 6 months, Adsense continued to Reject my application.

I realised it was my niche that was holding me back! Yes, since it's a very popular niche, a competitive one, I had to move to something that's not Popular, yet liked and Accepted by Google, then I started my second blog, I took my time, got a template,customised it, two months later, with only 80 - 100 Pageviews daily, the blog Hit PR2, and got accepted at First Trial!!!

If you believe your Blog is perfect, have you made good research on your niche? Is there competition? Is it a blog that discuss topics so many people are already waving about?
If your answer is "Yes" to more than one of these questions, then your niche should be the reason why you're not Accepted yet.
Starting A fresh blog with niche of Low Competition would be a great idea
Low competition Niches you may try out are:
* Arts, Comics, Fine arts and comic reviews
* Education, Rare Job opportunities,
* Motivationals, Quotes, fun facts with Jokes etc... these niches do have competition but it's moderately Low and trust me if you can handle niches/keywords with Low competition, you'll definitely rank High with more valuable earnings.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

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  1. i just can not believe that no one has said a big THANK YOU yet for this information, please i would love to contact you, my website is and i would love us to share blogrolls, thanks for this wonderful tutorial, i did enjoy it.

  2. Kool Bro ... Nice one ... I appreciate...


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