
The PadFone 2 - Another Great Android Evolution

Well, Android is doing real good stuff on their devices now, if you may have gotten the latest story, Chairman of ASUS, a Multinational Computer hardware and electronic company, Mr. Jonney Shih had lately brought the ASUS PadFone 2 to the Spotlight for the world.
After seeing the Video, reviewing this 2-in-1 device, it had the mobile phone which works hand-in-hand with its larger tablet. I felt rather amazed, just like Iphones, these Android devices are getting slimmer.
There had been several thumbs up, the latest Evolution of the Android Smartphone is absolutely awesome with the Look and Feel it gives at first sight.



Though I'm yet to lay my hungry hands-on, I had been catching a few videos and photoshots of it across the web. I gathered some Specifications so we all can get to know what it has to offer before considering buying the product.

Here's it is...


  • OS - The Padfone 2 is totally based on Android OS feature
  • BODY - it weighs 136g, measuring about 9mm
  • THE SCREEN - sizes 4.7 Inches with a 1280 x 720 HD Super IPS+ display/ Now you wouldn't have to worry about the scratches as it comes with Corning® Fit Glass which is scratch-resistant.
  • THE BATTERY - A  Li-Ion 2,140mAh Standard battery, lasting about 16 hours talktime and 13 hours of Wi-Fi web browsing, (and hey, the browser supports HTML5).
  • PROCESSOR - powering the device is a 1.5GHz QuadCore Processor having 2GB RAM, capable of storage size worth 64GB.
  • CAMERA POWER - 32MP, and 13 mega-pixel which ensures Photo capturing and Video shooting at HD performance.
As I mentioned earlier. it comes with the PadFone 2 and it's fully featured Tablet of 10.1 inches screen, which is called the PadFone 2 Station, when both of the weight is combined, it had been realised that it forms one of the lightest weight tablets in the market. More so, you may also use the PadFone 2 Station has power to charge up the PadFone 2 Mobile up o three times. Isn't that magnificent?
 The specifications about this new device can still go down this page but I don't wanna stress you up with reading too much, the Video below should speak a whole lot more for itself...

If you've got Something to say about this great new device, the comment box is open for all


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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