
Never Run Out Of Posts - Five Working Ways that Keep you Writing More


As a Blogger, I had been in several cases whereby after Publishing few Posts, I run out of ideas, I get stranded. I believe you've experienced the same, at least once.
Cases When you begin to Ask yourself, "What tha Heck should be the Next thing I Should Write About?!" Quite annoying right?
There's a solution to this question, I'll be Sharing in this post, How To Keep your Blogging Fire Burning, so you don't Run out of ideas for Writing Posts, after all, we're Bloggers, we are not expected to run short of words, the niche doesn't matter, the moment you think "There's Nothing else To Write About" TRUST ME, your Blog is be dead and gone.
Why should we run out of posts when We are expected to be writing and Publishing Daily.
With the tips below, you can keep your Writing-Fire burning, and Write as Many Posts as Possible.


1. READING - "if you don't Read, you can't Write"

People often wonder how great writers and Poet such as William Shakespare is so Globally Popular, well, let's face it, he was always reading, there's no Magic in being a Great blogger if you can't read alot.

Majorly, there're TWO Places you can Read from, BLOGS AND WEBSITES
There're so many blogs out there for you, including the upcoming ones, You may Visit them, get some inspiration, digest their words and get to know what next to write about, I've got cool blogs such as...
Interactive Websites are way to go if you want to read and get insights, I don't know what your niche is, but I think huge sites that discuss vast topics and almost anything can be just good.
So we have blogs or  websites to get ideas from, I'm not being greedy but I do read from both sides :p

2. KEYWORD RESEARCH - "just like humans need Oxygen, the Internet needs Keywords to Live"

From the beginning of this post, I had been passing some information to you, what have I been using to do this?   -  "KEYWORDS"
People walk up to Google and type in what they are looking for, they are in search of too many stuffs , and they search a billion time, over and over again, everyday, now you can't be Short of  Posts if you get busy, writing posts that contain solutions to those keywords.
Google Adwords is there for you, go there, and use it to find what people are searching for, in your niche.

3. AVOIDING DISTRACTIONS - "take your eyes off your goal, the rest you see are distractions"

Avoid Distractions, this is definitely not the first time you're hearing this, I believe there should be time for EVERYTHING, so if you really wanna keep yourself in the mood,
I recently discovered somewhere to keep our fire burning, National Novel Writing, i think that site has all it takes to keep you writing, still to blog and write some quality contents, you will have to Avoid distractions which come from:
  • The environment - people are different but blogging in a stuffy noisy area had not helped to blog well, not once.
  • Social Media - Yes, we all like to chat, be it on Facebook, mobile phones or wherever, I always found I wasted a whole day with no fresh idea on what to put on my blog coz I was browsing Facebook, you have your own weakness, fight it.
  • You -  Hell Yeah, i mean you, YOU too can be your own distraction, you can't be consistent if you give yourself excuses because of some OFFLINE activities you do. You should make yourself Schedules, so you don't soak yourself into doing one thing the whole day. Blogging is not a do Or Die affair, don't take it too seriously, but if you really wanna go far, you would be needing traces of Self responsibility and firmness in you.

4. AVOIDING PROCRASTINATION - "the thief of time"

One of the mot common and Strongest weakness that can tie you as a Blogger, is Procastination, often, we Bloggers get this "Wonderful idea" on a great post to write, next minute, it's all blown off and forgotten due to procrastination, if you are surfing the web and you get such a SPARK, the best you can do is open your Notepad and write it there, doesn't matter if it's a Phrase.
This Quote should speak how harmful procrastination can be
"He baked under the Sun, and Cooled under the Moon, He lived a Life of Going-To-Do, yet, he ended up with Nothing Done" 

5. THE REMINDER - "you are not the Only One"

Let's take the Almighty Google for instance, Sergey Brin and Larry Page were not the only people trying to build a Search Engine, neither was Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook the first guy who wanted to make a great Social Network. Looking around the World today, we see people producing the same thing, all at the same time, although the best seem to be ahead of the rest, but bearing in mind that you are not the only with that "UNIQUE IDEA"of a blog post should keep you writing more. Google SERP also honours the websites that are first to publish an article that is rich. You'll always see such sites on Page 1 when you search using their keywords.
It's a World Record in the Blogosphere, over a million bloggers in the planet are writing and publishing, every second, at this present moment. If you keep this facts in mind, You too can always be the first to do something New and tangible.

CONCLUSION - "practice makes perfect!"

I think I had made mention of things we can handle very easily, though reading from top to down isn't still enough, it all goes down to taking the Actions, start from some where, set daily targets of 500 words or more, once you take few tips out the above, using your own routine you can definitely Read more, write more and improve your Blogging skills as well.
Whether you know it, or not, You have an Audience, who read, learn and are expecting more and better posts from you. You shouldn't disappoint them.
I take a break here till my next post.
Hope this post sent something across, Happy Blogging.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

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