
Five Things You Must Use On Your New Blog

Blogging is uncontrollably going rival nowadays, everybody wants to own a great blog, Blogs are serving as alternative to Static websites for people, various businesses and companies, even Companies with static websites still feel a need to own a Blog, this is because these blogs are the surest means of keeping their customers updated.

Having good stuffs to offer on your blog should be your number one priority, once you have those contents, then you can consider the next things to follow it up. These 5 features are what I am sharing with us in this post, since they are very relevant and will help make your blog neat, navigable, professional, and also keep your visitors coming back for more.

  5 Things You must Use For Your New Blog


First impression matters, the look you give to your blog will determine if your first time visitors should go ahead reading it, so you have to present them a good-looking template, not just a cool layout but one that matches your category, or "niche".
Honestly, I won't bother straining my eyes to read a blog with an incredibly messed up "design".

What To do: If you are on Blogger, You may try out the free templates at Premium Blogger Templates
or if you use WordPress, you may browse this Post which discussed 100 excellent free Wordpress themes to choose from.
Overall, make sure you are picking the right look for your blog.


According to Darren Rowse of ProBlogger dot net, bloggers have to engage in Social Media and Network, this doesn't only help get you some traffic but also aid their blogs in building good profiles for them in these communities. Such social media consists of :
What To do: All you need do is join the above Social Networks, be active on them, grab their badges with their Share buttons and install them on your blogs so you and your visitors can easily connect and share your stuff with their friends in the Social networks.
As we can see, I have them right below every of my blog posts. :)


The sole purpose of this is to keep your readers informed about your Updates.
RSS: should give them updates and summary of your posts.
NewsLetters/Email Updates: Your Readers are people and businesses who check their mails everyday,  the Email-subscriptions should send them your updates straight into their inbox.
Only some bloggers see much reason to having this, well, right now, as you have a new blog, there's nothing more than keeping your Audience, first your content has to be very useful, and then you will need the Email and RSS Subscription option so they can be getting more updates of what's new on your blog right in their mailbox through Feed Burners and Newsletters you send them.

What To do: Go to Feed Burner and make your self an account for your blog where you will be burning all your updates via mails and RSS (Rich Site Summary) for your audience.
Since Feedburner would be shutting down anytime in December, you may go for alternatives such as 
- myFeedInbox
They also do well as Feedburner.


This is a very important feature you need to include on your blog, your first time visitors will need it to know what types of topics you discuss on your blog, and the frequent visitors who come back will use this to Navigate to other parts of your blog posts. In addition it also has good SEO benefits, search engines will be needing it to understand and index your pages faster.
TAGS are similar to categories but tags carry plenty of keywords containing your topics, hence your Categories are created from the MAJOR keywords which your blog is based upon.
Don't get it twisted in case you are on Blogger, TAGS are what is used to represent your Categories, so  make sure you select the main keywords, and arrange them accordingly. You may have a look at my side bar to the right, hope you saw my Categories.


The final but not the least
We frequently see a Blog's latest post title right on top of the others before going ahead to "Read More" about it...
Well, don't be too sure, especially if it's a very huge Blog with thousands of posts, like , if you don't want to mislead your Readers, the Best thing to do is have a RECENT POST feature on the blog.
They want to know what's New, and the only way you can show them is using this Recent Post feature.  

What To do: To have this on your blog, Wordpress users can simply search and install the Plugin but on Blogger, goto your Layout > Add Gadget >> More gadgets >> Scroll Down  till you find the Recent Post Gadget and Choose it.

See? I also have it on my side bar.

Though, there're so many others features your blog can have, but this are the most important FIVES i would recommend  for a New Blog. If you have some Questions or more to add to the list, you may drop us your Comments.
Meanwhile if you found this post helpful, Sharing with others isn't a Bad idea ;)


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!

1 comment:

  1. uche( 12, 2016

    Please how can I use my label as one of the tab close to the home tab. I want to do it in a way I update a post pertaining that tab and it stays there, and update newer post and it remains as one of the contents belonging to the tab as u have on ur menu as labels.


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