
Dropbox's New Security Features expected to bring down Hacks and Threats?

Dropbox is a free file hosting service that allows you to have a unique folder on your computer which will be synchronized so that you can access that folder from anywhere. You can easily access data stored in your Dropbox folder from other computers, through a website and using other mobile phone applications like iPhones and iPads. Eventually, Dropbox became a great success as it provided users with an easy way to store, access and share files. It enables you to store your photos, videos, files and documents, all in one place and also share a link to it

Recently, about a month back, Dropbox came under scrutiny following a password security breach that resulted in spam messages being sent to Dropbox customer’s email addresses. Later, the company confirmed the hacking incident, blaming it on a Dropbox employee who had carelessly used security password at a third party site which got hacked. The company stated that the stolen password and username were misused to inappropriately access the employee’s account containing few customers’ email addresses.  But, they did not disclose any details about how many customer accounts were hacked.


Dropbox reported that they would be adding enhanced security features like

  • A two-factor authentication process.
  • An automated mechanism that helps you to spot suspicious activities.
  • A page from where you can analyze active logins to your account.

Just within a month after the company announced their plans to strengthen security, they have silently made the two-factor authentication feature available to their registered Forum users. They haven’t launched it officially though. They are proceeding with caution and have enabled the beta version only to few selected users. They call the move an “experimental build” and stated that the security fix will be open to all in a short while.

Now, you would be wondering if you could make use of the two-factor authentication feature. Then, you are in for a good news as by following the below instructions, you can enable it for your Dropbox account. The authentication step is almost similar to Google Authentication app for Gmail available on Android phones.

dropbox security

STEP 1: Visit this - Dropbox link and login. It will redirect you to a security tab from where you can activate the two-step authentication

STEP 2: There, you will see a “change link” option. Click on it and you will be asked to re-enter the password.  In the next step, you will be provided with the option to send your 6 digit security code to your phone via text message or any mobile application such as Google Authenticator

STEP 3: Also, you will receive a unique 16 digit back up code to help you access Dropbox account in emergency situations, incase if you are not able to generate code or you lose your phone. You have to keep the backup code safe.

STEP 4: Now, you have to install the newest version of Dropbox for your device (computer/iPhone/iPad). Applications are available for Windows, Linux and Mac computers.

STEP 5: After installation, you have to unlink your device from your Dropbox account’s security tab. The next time you try to login to your Dropbox account, you will be prompted to enter the 6 digit code.

The Dropbox team is working hard to provide users with additional security. So the Dropbox users can relax without the fear of your Dropbox account being hacked.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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1 comment:

  1. That’s great news, given the fact that cloud security is a pressing issue.


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