
MTN and Etisalat Data Packages for As Cheap as 5 Naira for Mobile users in Nigeria

Purchasing Data Plans in Nigeria at affordable prices are beginning to be a thing of competition among our Service Providers, especially the within Mobile Network service Providers, consisting of MTN, Etisalat, Airtel, and Glo, as we must have  noticed majorly, it's been Etisalat catching up with MTN as long as mobile Data Services are concerned.

Gone are those days we pay for Data at prices which we fear might not serve as expected, I think etisalat was first to come up with this cool idea, customers are paying and enjoying it, so MTN is now offering same Service, now you and I can buy Data Bundle for as low as #5 with our MTN and Etisalat SIMs.


How To Buy Data Plan For 5 Naira with your MTN and Etisalat SIMS

  • For Etisalat
You will need at least 50 naira in your Account Balance, now Dial *496*1#,
5 naira is deducted and you're given 1 MB Data bundle to use for 24 hours (1 Day) moreover you get to make Calls for as low as 20k per Second.

  • For MTN
It's very much easier, you only need to have 5 naira and up wards, to get it, Text 350 to 131 then You're given your 1 MB immediately to use up in 24 hours.

This is cool stuff for those of us who don't do much internet browsing on our phones, it's cool for those of us who use Chat social Networks such as 2go, Ebuddy and a few others apps that don't burn up much data to work.

NOTE:  You can't buy the data bundle twice a day, till 24 hours of your first purchase
Though, there're issues at times where you may not still be able to buy after 24 hours, if your Stuff gets exhausted before or after 24 hours, Simply Text RESET to 131 and try subscribing again.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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