
Top Ways To Make Your Blog Hugely Popular

  Every serious blogger have dreams to make his or her blog hugely popular. With countless of blogs being added on a daily basis, the competition among the bloggers seems to have become fierce. Everyone whether they are part time bloggers or professional bloggers often dream big about their blogs. All of these bloggers aspire to increase their readers’ base. In such a cut throat competition, it’s really difficult to achieve this, however, with some competent ways you can certainly aim to reach at this stage. The below is the list of some top ways to make your blog huge popular.


Have passion for blogging

This can only work when you talk about things which you like and have authority over the subject. For instance, if you like any particular sport and you write about movies, you cannot expect to make your blog posts popular. In fact, these posts would be too boring for any reader coming to your blog. Hence you should always abide this rule of writing a blog for things which you like and know. You need to select a blog niche which can be interesting to you, could be something which is your hobby or passion. Once you decide such subject then only you can start blogging with passion.

Write for two audiences

Whenever you write anything for your blog, you have always two audiences- one is your readers and second one is bloggers. Both these audiences are important for any blog. The other bloggers of your niche area could be attracted towards your blog post if they find something interesting and unique. This will build up your authority over your niche area in the blogosphere. This will give you the opportunity to link your blog by other bloggers.

For readers, you need to think of posts which are unique and subject specific which no one has covered in their blog as yet. In order to publish quality blog posts, you can carry out a comprehensive research before posting anything over your blog. Also, while writing blogs posts think of making it difficult to duplicate which can provoke other bloggers to link with you.

Linking to other bloggers

Links are the best way to get traffic from other blogs. By linking to other bloggers, you send across message which demands to check your blog post over other blogs. You can have an instant back link in the form of trackback. Lastly, linking to different popular and authority blogs helps you in establishing yourself in your niche area. These efforts are easily recognized by major search engines thus making your blog more visible and popular among the readers.

Consistency in your posts

When readers come at your blog they should find new posts there or else they will stop coming. You are supposed to make your blog lively and bubbling place by posting regular and consistent blog posts. If you cannot post several posts in a day, try for just one post in a day. The irregularity in your postings could lead to blog failure. Consistent posts would keep on bringing the repeat visitors. This will make your blog popular among your readers and bloggers of your niche area.

Become an integral part of blogging community

More you interact with experienced and professional bloggers in your community the more amount of exposure you will give to your blog. You are supposed to connect with existing popular blogs in your niche area. Find out the reasons behind the popularity of their blogs and try these things at your blog.

Final word

Making your blog hugely popular requires consistent efforts from your end. If you are serious enough to make it popular, the above ways could help you in achieving this goal. All you need is organized and consistent blogging efforts.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

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  1. Hey bro can you paste my blog link over ur blog?

  2. Hi Ifediri,
    you just awakened some dying passion in me right now. thanks

    1. I am glad i did.
      Thanks Ike, for dropping by :) and hope to see you rise higher than ever before


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