
The 10 Best Facebook Features of All Time Which You Should Not Ignore

Facebook is an amazing tool that all business owners need to utilise. Find out a few of the many reasons why and what this can mean for your business. Reach the millions that pass through the social network every day.

SMO (Social Media Optimisation) is the thing to be in the know about these days and without it, your business could be missing out on reaching missions of people worldwide. Depending on what your business, service, or product is depends on exactly what tools you will be able to make the most use of, but even the smallest business needs online visibility if you are serious about being a success in ways that only the 21st century knows how. Technology has advanced massively and with it has come the Social Networking sites that attract missions of users each and every day. These people could be your next customers and it's time to find out how you can utilise Facebook to help you.

The great thing about Facebook is that it likes relevance and this goes for target audiences as well.
Facebook Ads are there to advertise your 'page' or business to users. Facebook will only show the ads to those users who fall into the categories you select and, based on your business type, will specifically target the audiences who are going to find your service relevant and have the potential to become your customers. The progress made here can be followed via your Facebook Ads Campaigns.

The main focus should be on your page itself so it's time to explore what that means in detail. There are a number of reasons why a business should be on Facebook; these are just a few of them.


  • Engage your fans (or customers) with relevant content and even special offers. Keeping your fans in the loop and giving them something worth reading about, which is related to your business or product, will ensure they don't forget you're in a hurry.

  • Relevant content is really important because otherwise you can guarantee you will lose fans as quickly as you gain them.

  • Approaching this in the right way will remind your customers that you are there

The Activity Log on your page is like the standard users timeline and records every interaction you have had on Facebook. This is great for monitoring purposes to see how you are engaging with fans and if they are interested in what you have to say or offer. Get this right and you might have people sharing your content which means you will reach even more people that you thought!

You can even link your Facebook page to Twitter which means you can cross-promote and kill two birds with one stone. This is great for any social media marketing strategy and allows you to reach a much wider audience without having to do anything more than you would have. When you post an update on to Facebook, having this feature enabled means that the post will also be published on Twitter.
Although it is not a common thing for business owners and Facebook users to do, you can even specify terms for comments on your posts and page. You can block certain conversation although users don't really like this, but it can be a handy tool!

The new timeline is great for businesses because it encourages fresh content. The changes mean that business pages are now similar to user profile pages and encourage fresh, unique content. This may seem a bit of a pain initially, but this fresh content will ensure a steady stream of traffic to your page and can potentially increase custom. Try to post daily, it doesn't have to be much, maybe a question or start a discussion to provoke users into commenting on your posts. The attention you get, the more visibility you will have.

Facebook Insights now allows you to get real-time data as well, pretty much. You can now view how your post is getting on within 10 minutes of posting it. This means that you can always change your mind if the desired effect is not immediate.

Using Facebook is the way to reach millions who may be interested in your service that you wouldn’t have met before.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
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