

       Getting Free domains during this economical hard times are kind of pretty difficult, custom domains would cost you minimum of $5.99 at Godaddy, even some registrars claim you can buy one from them, for as cheap as one dollar ($1), moreover, if run a search, you must have come across Companies raving they would give you for free, it's obvious, unless you take the pain and sweat to give them something in return, all their claims won't be possible, and this is exactly why this Cool Offer should take your mind off such packages, as Ahmsta Technologies is giving its Loyal Customers FREE TOP LEVEL DOMAINS.
The Offer is up for Grabs, as you also stand  chance of not getting only One Domain, but FIVE!

Now I'm guessing the Question on your mind would be...


Well, it very simple
  • Click here to register an account for the Offer, if you already have an existing account, No problem, Sign In, after that, ORDER FOR A DOMAIN set up.
  • From there, you stand 100% chance to get a free domain worth same value as the one you previously Ordered for. More like a Buy 1- Get 1 Free promo.
  • Another great news is at Ahmsta Tech, Domains are sold at cheap rates you money can afford, NO Servers issues, Great load Speed, and of course, you have everything under Control with full C.Panel support.
  • By ordering for more, you Increase your chances of grabbing the 5 free Domains
So what are you waiting For? It's certain You definitely won't find this Opportunity else where!!!
Good Luck!


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

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