HTML 5 aims to improve upon its predecessors by enhancing the language and support while still being compatible and understandable by current media devices and web browsers. The infographic explains the compatibility with the various, existing web browsers.
Chrome and Safari possess a higher compatibility rating than that of Opera and Internet Explorer – which both have a fairly low rating based on the analysis and research data. Research also indicates that HTML5’s trajectory will continue to grow to incredible heights in the very near future.
Chrome and Safari possess a higher compatibility rating than that of Opera and Internet Explorer – which both have a fairly low rating based on the analysis and research data. Research also indicates that HTML5’s trajectory will continue to grow to incredible heights in the very near future.
Research indicates that by 2016, HTML5 usage with mobile browsers will surge to 2.1 billion. And by this year alone, the use of HTML5 development has increased to 78%.
Infographic created by Dot Com Infoway
Guest Post by Alfred Winston of Dot Com Infoway
Dot Com Infoway (DCI) is a premier IT company found in India which provides offshore IT outsourcing solutions to businesses across the globe.
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