Your mobile network may sometimes be unable to provide you with settings for your phones via SMS, even if they do, their settings only contain Access Points and Username through which you can can browse with the network.
If you use a Nokia s40 phone, doing a personal configuration, and adding Proxy Address/I.P address may not also do the trick especially if you would need that configuration Setting to power the applications that connect to the internet, like Opera mini, UC browser and all others, so the way out of getting your Nokia configuration settings is to Provide yourself with one by making a prov file.
You may ask, What is a Prov file?
Here's a quick description of what a prov file is.
Prov. files in this post is an Access Point containing Proxy Address/I.P in its configuration setting, it was specifically built for Nokia s40 phones, the file extension always end with .prov.
How Does Prov Files Work?
To keep it very brief, all you need do after creating a provisioning file (.prov), is to send them to your Nokia via bluetooth, you receive Configuration settings as if it came from your network, save, and activate it.
There are so many sites that now provide you with this technology, such sites are called Prov site creators, so you can go ahead and create one yourself:
* (Recommended)
* (which provides settings basically for Networks in my country)
The major problem is any of these sites may not be available when you need them most, is a good example, the site is always "under construction" *LOL*
This is my purpose of writing this post as I will introduce us to s40provg8, an Application that will help us create prov files offline in our Nokia Series 40 mobile phones, without the use of internet connection or websites.
It works for both Nokia s40 and s60 (symbian) phones, if you don't know how to extract the Zip contents so you can Install the app, s40 users are advised to see this post .
When you Launch the App, it prompts you with queries to fill in for the prov file (configuration Settings) to be made. All you do is fill them:
Example: Name: any name of your choice as this will be name of prov you are making
others include port:
As soon as you are done, it will ask Allow application s40provg8 to read user data? Press Yes
Your prov is successfully created and Saved into the root folder of your E:// drive (only when Memory card is inserted,else it goes to your C:// drive which is the phone's memory directory)
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