
5 Best Online Betting Apps in 2020 to 2021 & 2022

Sports betting is gaining more popularity in Nigeria, with the era of smartphones and tablets one who is looking to make some extra cash can easily predict and place bets online in the comfort of their bedroom and make some extra money. It's no surprise that players would want...


4 Features That the Next Generation of Social Networks Will Need to Have

With new online platforms and services being launched every year, it's only a matter of time before we see the appearance of a new kind of social network that caters to the needs and demands of the next generation. Existing platforms carry a number of flaws that will be addressed...


How to Easily Update Burp suite 2.x from 1.7.x for Linux

Today we're going to be learning how to upgrade or update our Burp Suite version from 1.7.x to the latest 2.1 version for Pro and Community Editions on Linux, this update is awesome, this works in 2020 and 2021.  I'd show you how you will get it install and updated easily...


How To Design Your Own Printed Circuit Board

If your goal is to make a permanent project, as opposed to a breadboard setup, then you will want to design your own PCB. We will show you here, albeit briefly, how to design your printed circuit board and have it made by a PCB manufacturer. It is possible to etch your PCBs...

FIX - Firefox Add-ons stop working on Ubuntu/Linux

After reading this post you would be able to know why your Mozilla Add-ons had failed, disabled, deactivated, broken or stopped working and how to fix the issue which affected everybody using the browser. I use Kali Linux on my new machine with Firefox ESR being my main browser...

Snax, the Blockchain based Social Overlay - Reviewed

Snax is a blockchain overlay meant to cover the utmost prevalent social media to create an economy of individuals’ contacts. Snax is a basic convenience token of own DPOS blockchain. The Snax podium permits to measure the worth of a public content evidently and prize publishers...


EaseUS Review for Mac - Best Free Data Recovery software

Did you mistakenly delete something from your Mac OS X? Or maybe due to crash or some error you lost some valuable file(s) in your MacBook? EaseUS Data Recovery Software for Mac OS X is arguably one of the best solutions to perform a successful Mac data recovery and it's Free...

4 Tips for Selecting Great Mining Hardware

In the early years of cryptocurrency, mining crypto was such a rewarding and straightforward venture as it could be done from CPUs. However, as the industry matured, the mining of crypto became more competitive, phasing out CPU miners. Currently, for an investor to enjoy maximum...


5 Tips for Understanding Bitcoin Predictions

Cryptocurrency market is significantly growing, and people are starting to store the value in this form. Just like the traditional currencies, cryptocurrency has challenges and the most notable limitation is instability of value. The granddaddy; Bitcoin is not spared either....


How to Record Higher Quality Videos Using Screen Recording

Screen recording is very different from recording conventional videos – especially in terms of the factors that affect its quality. In fact it is actually much easier to record high quality videos using screen recording, provided you know how to go about it. Setting...