Snax is a blockchain overlay meant to cover the utmost prevalent social media to create an economy of individuals’ contacts. Snax is a basic convenience token of own DPOS blockchain.
The Snax podium permits to measure the worth of a public content evidently and prize publishers devoid of forcing social platforms to modify well-known business models. Snax offers free accounts registering, prompt zero-cost deals, endowment system and the likelihood to create Apps.
For whichever user Snax offers two basic modes to participate:
-Amass Systematic Publisher Rewards
- Accept and send contributions
Both usage cases are realized via a mechanism of Social Transactions, which is an important aspect of the Snax blockchain. The Social Transactions offer a likelihood of sending SNAX to whichever account on a social podium, incorporated into Snax. A noteworthy fragment of Social Transactions mechanism is the opening to direct the tokens to an account whose possessor hasn’t been listed on Snax yet.
On the rationale of doctrine #1, Snax is en route to fashion an overlap resolution on the blockchain, which shall be naturally entrenched in the prevailing social media environment. Simultaneously, users don’t have to alter their know-how of employing social media platforms.
The SNAX tokens can get rewarded to any individual, who makes content on social media focused on promotion like Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter etc. SNAX is the elementary utility coin of its blockchain podium. Snax blockchain is centered on EOS — prevalent open source blockchain engine using DPOS accord algorithm [11], nevertheless with free account registering, which permits Snax to execute principle #2 thoroughly.
-Social Transactions on the most prevalent podiums: Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube etc.
-Contribution system having collectable tokens support
-Social media marketing podium that is decentralized
-Decentralized influencer advertizing podium
The Snax podium permits to measure the worth of a public content evidently and prize publishers devoid of forcing social platforms to modify well-known business models. Snax offers free accounts registering, prompt zero-cost deals, endowment system and the likelihood to create Apps.
Why Snax is unique?
Snax focuses on saving amassed UX and present network effects. It implies that one does not require altering the normal way of employing favorite social platforms to partake in the Snax economy. Simply keep publishing plus check the Snax balance occasionally.For whichever user Snax offers two basic modes to participate:
-Amass Systematic Publisher Rewards
- Accept and send contributions
Both usage cases are realized via a mechanism of Social Transactions, which is an important aspect of the Snax blockchain. The Social Transactions offer a likelihood of sending SNAX to whichever account on a social podium, incorporated into Snax. A noteworthy fragment of Social Transactions mechanism is the opening to direct the tokens to an account whose possessor hasn’t been listed on Snax yet.
The blockchain overlay solution
On the rationale of doctrine #1, Snax is en route to fashion an overlap resolution on the blockchain, which shall be naturally entrenched in the prevailing social media environment. Simultaneously, users don’t have to alter their know-how of employing social media platforms.
The SNAX tokens can get rewarded to any individual, who makes content on social media focused on promotion like Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter etc. SNAX is the elementary utility coin of its blockchain podium. Snax blockchain is centered on EOS — prevalent open source blockchain engine using DPOS accord algorithm [11], nevertheless with free account registering, which permits Snax to execute principle #2 thoroughly.
Snax blockchain utilizes DPOS agreement. However, Snax has a dissimilar standpoint on several basic blockchain inklings: computing resources management, account registration and ICO. Snax similarly pays much consideration to build the intelligible interface for covering each phase of employing blockchain. Its main precedence is to offer the simplicity of employing blockchain for a normal Internet consumer.Main milestones
The roadmap of Snax comprises the following key aspects:-Social Transactions on the most prevalent podiums: Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube etc.
-Contribution system having collectable tokens support
-Social media marketing podium that is decentralized
-Decentralized influencer advertizing podium
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it was very interesting article i love to read your article.