
FIX - Firefox Add-ons stop working on Ubuntu/Linux

After reading this post you would be able to know why your Mozilla Add-ons had failed, disabled, deactivated, broken or stopped working and how to fix the issue which affected everybody using the browser.

I use Kali Linux on my new machine with Firefox ESR being my main browser and it's been an awesome experience so far, until the bug that crashed all the Add-ons we use on Firefox ESR for Linux and it was due to a bug that affected the Legacy extensions (Firefox standards).


Firefox Addons

I searched and waited for an update regarding the issue until 6th May, the official Firefox Twitter handle announced an update that fixed the bug that crashed our Add-ons.

A new Firefox 66.0.5 had been released and it fixes the whole add-on breakage issues but how do you get this working on your Ubuntu (Linux) without stress.

For other Operating systems like Windows and Mac, all they need to do is go to this page, click download and install the Firefox 66.0.5 but for Linux, it's a bit different ball game.


Normally, when you open your Terminal and use the following command lines it would update and fix your "Firefox ESR add-on stopped working issues" :

  • sudo apt-get install update
  • sudo apt-get install firefox

But the above CL won't work for now because Ubuntu is yet to update their packages from Sources list.
So if you can't wait for an update from them (for Firefox ESR), then you can use my fix/steps below. This will install Firefox mainline in your Ubuntu.

1. Visit the page with your Operating system and Click Download to get Firefox 66.0.5 update here , the file should be in tar.bz2 extension.
Note- Close Firefox ESR if it's open.

2. Open your Terminal and run the following:

cd ~
tar xjf firefox-66.0.5.tar.bz2

3. Now to launch the browser, run the below CL in your Terminal:


After launching successfully, you would see your Add-ons working again :)

Note however that you won't be able to run ESR while using mainline Firefox at the same time if they're both installed under same user profile and folders in your Ubuntu/Linux machine.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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