
Adding Friends to Groups without their Consent, the Worst Facebook feature Ever!


Having been on the Social Network for over 4 years, I mean I love Facebook but this is probably the first time I am venting about one of their Features, an ugly one for that matter.

Facebook Groups is one of the nicest thing to happen on the Facebook Social Network, we know how it had helped many more people to be Connected in a very targeted way.
There are Groups for our various Alumni Schools, Work places, Religious centers, Interests and Hobbies... to mention but few but it's quite annoying how it's been used or abused by some people on Facebook nowadays, and they are selfishly happy they doing it because Facebook allowed them to.

Image credits: -Things that must end
Friends add their friends to Groups without their Consent, and as far as I know, the guys who engage in this act have even simplified it that they now use scripts to add people very much faster, hence you will always get notified that your friend Posted on a Group you are member of but that's not the Point, the point is most of these Groups are Not really Sharing any useful content or values to the members, the Aim is the Groups are built basically for Spamming.

To tell you how serious it is, one of my most respected friends Mr. Gossy Ukanwoke (Founder of BAU) had even reacted.

Please don't add me to any silly Facebook Groups. Not interested. A concerned citizen
Posted by Gossy Ukanwoke on Tuesday, 20 October 2015

His post was what triggered mine minutes later...

Adding Friends to Groups without their Consent, the Worst Facebook feature ever :/
Posted by Ifediri on Wednesday, 21 October 2015

We all can testify that we have friends that have also bitterly complained about the issue.

A small tweak... A Little Way Out... 

If you are in the same situation as me where so many friends have added you to too many groups, right now here's the Fastest Way to leave those unwanted Facebook Groups:

1.Visit :

2.Move down to "Groups You're In" 

3. On the Right side, beside the "Add to favorites," you see the settings Gear
4. Click the settings Gear,
5. There Click Leave Group.

In my opinion, I still believe Adding Friends to Groups without their Consent doesn't make any sense, it's actually the Worst Facebook feature I ever seen and The Facebook Team should do something about changing or terminating it as quickly as possible.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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