
EdiTweaks Wins A Free Custom Domain via

            It was about 6:35am in the morning, when I woke up from sleep, I took my  phone, I had no expectations of seeing something that would be so amazing as I browsed Facebook  Mobile, as usual, I saw much Notifications, I normally would go for the ones that mattered most, like notifications telling me somebody posted on Bloggers Lab, a Facebook Group I personally joined late November, 2011.
         This time it was one of the "PROs" that posted, so I had to check it out, only to discover that ''He'' was asking for the owner of, the blog you are reading this from now. A few others had commented on the post, he said he liked the look of the website and would give the owner a Custom Domain for Free, what do you expect? I had to quickly claim it.
After a couple of processes, he helped me get the custom domain running in no time, so here are we, from to

     Now you must be wondering what is this generous pro website? Well, he is

The young man behind this great website is Jide Ogunsanya, he is the Founder and CEO of and , he had been in the game for quite a very long time and has been a very Successful Personality in the blogoshere of and around my country. He works with top telecommuncations, along side other Nigerian Internet professionals and business experts. His blogsite, is where he shares his personal interests which goes far and wide to different people around the world.
Ogbongeblog shares stuffs on
  • Internet Marketing
  • Web/Blog Development including ADSENSE INTEGRATION
  • SEO Optimization (Making your site/blog rank well in Google and other search engines)
  • Link Submissions
  • Social Media Integration/Marketing (Facebook, Twitter)
  • Graphic Design
  • Blogger Blog restructuring (custom domain name, split headers/footers and more hacks...) 
  • Tech Consulting
  • Seminar mention but few, including Freebies Fans like me that Won this Custom domain from Him.
You can give that site a try, you sure would get something good from it, something which may be even bigger than what I got.

  Dear readers, you can join, It's Official, is saying a very Big Thank You to for helping him move to the next Level.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
You can add me on Facebook., follow my updates on Twitter or your Connections on LinkedIn
By the way, if your website/blog needs some tweaking, custom design or Optimization, you can Contact me here

Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!


  1. Congrats bro! You got it from a real generous young man. Jide is the real G i respect and adore so much, may God help him throughout his life. Edi your blog really deserve it

  2. All what you said about him is true @Cyracks Zenda, thanks for your comments

  3. Congratulobia!

    Nice blog you gat. But you still have some work to do on your blog, your blog name is showing before your post title. Thats not good for SEO. Change it.


  4. Wow nw i knw 2 make it in lyf z nt all abt attendn d best skul or payn d highest skul fees eva bt z all abt hardwork nd determination Edi u av alwaz work 2ward ur goal nd drm, go boy d sky z nt ur limit bt ur startn point. jst knw u wil higha dan dz, best of luck ooo... And 2 mr Jide God bless u as u av gv Edi an opportunity pursue hz drms may urs nt pass u by thanks 4 ur generousty.. Gr8 work Edi

  5. Thank You so so much @Maryann
    You were far too kind with your comments... LOL

  6. Thanks so much for appreciating my little gift. Keep up the good work bro. Happy blogging!


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