
Google to Launch "Buy buttons" On its Search-result pages In Coming Weeks

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the Search Engine Giant and company, Google Inc. will launch buy buttons on its search-result pages in coming weeks, a controversial step by the company toward becoming an online marketplace rivaling those run by Inc and eBay Inc. 

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Wall Street Journal pointed that Google will start displaying new Buy buttons when people search for products on mobile devices, according to people familiar with the launch (there were people who are very familiar with this launch from Google and they speak about it)
The buttons will accompany sponsored—or paid—search results, often displayed under a “Shop on Google” heading at the top of the page. Buttons won't appear with the nonsponsored results that are driven by Google’s basic search algorithm.


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According to , Here's what (we think) we know:

  • If shoppers click on the buy buttons, they will be taken to another Google product page to complete the purchase. On that page, they will be able to pick sizes and colors and shipping options, as well as complete the purchase.
  • The products will still be provided and sold by retailers, rather than by Google.
  • Retailers including Macy’s Inc. are in talks with Google about taking part in the launch, the people added. (but there's been no comment from Macy's yet)
  • Google won't show buy buttons when shoppers search on desktop computers.
  • The program will start with a small percentage of the search traffic it handles.
  • The product pages where Google handles the purchases will be heavily branded for the retailers selling the items.
  • Google will let shoppers input payment credentials such as credit-card numbers one time, and the company will store those and automatically load them for future purchases on its shopping pages.
  • Google will still be paid by retailers through its existing advertising model, rather than taking a cut of the sales price of items

I had been wondering what would be the first impression after big Online Retailers (both here in our continent, and Outside) and Shoppers saw this Headline, Google is at it again with a Business product, 
is it something to worry about? OR will there be some kind of adaptation that needs to be applied by these retailers if Google eventually introduces their "BUY NOW" buttons, whatever the decision may be (I think) will depend totally on the information gathered at this period.
What do you think?


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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  1. Lol.

    Google keeps getting bigger.

    New way to rake in money from advertisers

  2. Nice info. Thanks for sharing


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