It's tough. It's light. It's awesome!
Infinix will launch their New Device soon! Infinix #TheNextHero!
Are you ready for it?
All you need to do is to text your name to 09099922417 and join us that Day!
May 28th, 2015. Date had been Postponed to 4TH JUNE, 2015.
Venue: University of Lagos Main Auditorium, Lagos, Nigeria.
See you there! :)
Infinix will launch their New Device soon! Infinix #TheNextHero!
Are you ready for it?
The Officials will be there, with lots of Infinix Fans and friends, I'll be there at the event and you too can stand a chance to be there if you use an Infinix PhoneVenue: University of Lagos Main Auditorium, Lagos, Nigeria.
See you there! :)
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