
Easy Guide to Transfer Funds from GTBank Domiliciary account to Others

How can I Transfer Money with GTBank Domiciliary Account (Dollars, Pounds, Euros etc)? - There has been this huge issue of inability to transfer money from domiciliary account to other accounts outside the country facing us for a while.
But Congrats!! This issue has been rectified. GTBank has announced their current upgrade which is the ability to transfer funds from a domiciliary account to a beneficiary abroad or within the country. Excited?? Yes!! It works regardless of it's GTB to GTBank or to other Banks within the country or abroad, operating domiciliary account.

And it's quite easy, no long processes, no hitch in the system. Smooth and easy. I must commend GTBank for this funds Upgrade.

This service benefits every GTBank dom (domiciliary) account owner. Funds can now be transferred outside the country easily in any currency such as dollars, pounds, Euros to beneficiaries in any part of the world.

There are two ways to transfer money from your domiciliary account to beneficiaries.
  • Offline
  • Online
GTBank dormiciliary acct

If you are having issues transferring money with your phone,you can use GTBank's offline branches anywhere In the world and follow these steps correctly:

  • Go to a GT Bank branch  
  • Request for the foreign funds transfer form 
  • Fill it,sign it and submit to the bank
  • Wait for a debit alert 

Follow the guide Below for the GTBank FX online transaction:

  • With the aid of your GTBANK's mobile app or by visiting the official internet banking website, log into your GTBANK's internet banking account by entering your username or ID. Your Username is your Email or ID which you can use to log in.
  • At the menu bar, click on self service 
  • Click Add service to the function transfer to other banks on the user ID 
  • Under requests, click on FX to other banks 
  • Click on beneficiary list and fill the appropriate details 
  • Click on new page and complete the form on the FX transfer page.
  • The Above transaction would be authorized using a code generated from your token hardware device 
  • Click on "submit" to make payment 
  • A receipt would be automatically generated after payment, print the receipt after this session (if you want to). 


With GTBANK's dorm funded transfer, there is a privilege of sending up to $10,000 or it's equivalent in any currency of your choice DAILY and $50,000 in any equivalent currency WEEKLY.

For further inquiries and more info,visit

This article also covers issues concerning:
how to send money to a domiciliary account in nigeria

gtbank fx transfer charges

gtbank domiciliary account charges - GTBank charges $10 + 0.5% of the amount you're transferring

bank wire transfer to domiciliary account

how to fund domiciliary account in nigeria

how to send money to a domiciliary account from usa

how to fund my domiciliary account

best domiciliary account in nigeria - GTBank, Diamond Bank and FCMB at the moment of publishing this article. If any changes occur over time, edits will be applied/updated here.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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