
MTN Double Data Bonus - The Simple Steps to Activate | Buy any Data & Enjoy Double

Hello there! Today I am going to show you a simple sweet method to get Double of any data plan you buy on any MTN line, it's usually called Phone Bonus. This means when you purchase a 1.5GB plan for 1,000 NGN, you get 1.5GB Bonus, totaling 3GB (for 1k Naira). Cheap and cool right?
MTN had been dashing out this offer to few customers who recently purchased any newest trending smartphones by Infinix, Tecno, Samsung and few others, that's all it takes to be eligible for the Phone Bonus offer, but hey, what if you don't own any of these new smartphones? Can you still enjoy this bonus?
It's a YES, you can get and enjoy the MTN Phone Bonus/double data Offer too.


MTN Phone Bonus

Follow the steps here:

  • An MTK Android phone (any Tecno, Infinix would do)
  • MTN sim on MTN Pulse plan
  • The IMEI

1. I assume you are already familiar with Tweaking your device's IMEI. For a complete guide to do that, read up this post.

2. Make sure you're on MTN Pulse plan ( *406# ) , that's the plan I used when I got the Eligibility for the Phone Bonus.
NOTE: I used one phone to get this working on 2 different MTN SIMs.

3. Tweak your IMEI: Use any of the IMEI below inside your device,
Simply replace the *** with any last 3 digits and make sure it makes a valid IMEI for use.


See this post for more about validating an IMEI or better still Go HERE to check if your last 3 guessed numbers were correct.

After you change the IMEI, switch the phone Off and Insert the SIM and switch on the MTK Android phone. Now wait a few minutes, you will get an SMS telling you CONGRATULATIONS! Your smartphone had been activated to enjoy double on any data.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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Come on, hit us with a Comment. Love to hear what you think!


  1. I just bought a second-hand MTN modem today and I inserted my SIM and I got the Phone Bonus message. Does it mean I'm eligible or do I still have to tweak?

    1. You already got the sms from them, mean you are eligible, no need doing anything again :)

  2. I worked perfectly for me. Thanks for sharing

  3. I get the message from them automatically

    1. Well, not everybody does :) And what if it you needed it on a SIM to use strictly for your USB modem, then you will need this post

  4. I subscribed now and I was not given the double..

    I'm not sure what went wrong.

  5. Lovely tutorial Edi. After multiple tries and errors. I later got it to work. Thanks bro


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