
Twitter Users here's How to Use Twitter Stickers on Android and iOS

An interesting feature has been included in Twitter for Android & iOS, and it's called Twitter Stickers. This was made known in an announcement made by the social media giant earlier in the week, and the feature would be delivered to all its users in a series of updates as from now on.

The update seems to be country-based, as some Twitter users have received it, and others haven't. Some of those that have received the update don't actually know that there's a new feature called Twitter Stickers, so we're letting you know now, and we're not stopping at that; we're going to show you how to use Twitter Stickers in this guide. Read on...


How to Use Twitter Stickers on Android and iOS

Quick Tip
For those that don't know what Twitter Stickers is, it's a new feature in Twitter that allows you to add emojis and images from a collection to the images you want to tweet. It's a feature that has previously existed in Snapchat.
If you've received the latest update for the Twitter App on your smart device, follow these simple steps to start using Twitter Stickers now.

1. Launch the Twitter App.

2. Start composing a Tweet.

3. Tap the camera icon that appears while you're composing a tweet.

4. Look at the bottom right side of the screen. Two icons will appear there: a smiley icon and a pencil icon. You probably know what the pencil icon is used for - to add filters to images. The smiley face icon is what's new to us here. It's the key to using Twitter Stickers.

5. Tap on the Smiley Face icon.

6. Now you'll be taken to a screen full of sticker collections grouped into various categories like recently used, featured, Animals and Nature, etc. You can browse through each category.

 twitter stickers how to
7. When you find a sticker that suits the image you're tweeting tap on it to select the sticker.

8. You'll be taken to a screen where you can edit, rotate and resize the sticker as it suits you.

9. When you're done, click on the Tweet button. Your image with the added stickers would be tweeted instantly!. A #Stickers hash tag will be added to the tweet to make it easy to search for images with Twitter Stickers.

10. To remove a sticker from an image, simply tap and hold on the sticker, then drag it down to the garbage bin that appears at the bottom of the screen.

image with twitter stickers

Note that there's a limit to the number of stickers that can be added to an image, and it's 25 ;-) . What do you think of this new feature by Twitter? Do let us know.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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