
Meet the latest Infinix Wearable: The Infinix X-Band

Over the years we had conducted a handful of reviews on Infinix smartphones, right now just as expected by many users, the company had decided to start producing and dishing out its own Wearable tech gadgets, two of which we will be showing you, the Infinix X-band and Infinix DNC headphones.
Both of these tiny but powerful gadgets are quite sleek and you'll likely agree as you scroll down.

The X-Band by Infinix is its first wearable tech from the company and has an array of cool functions as you can wear the Infinix X-band on your wrist to use as smartwatch or detach and convert it to a portable bluetooth earpiece.

X-band for Wrist (smartwatch)
X-band used  as bluetooth headphone
We also confirmed the new Xband is IP55 verified, which means it's dust and water resistant. As much as you wear the X-band into any hot or rainy day, you can can receive phone calls, notifications or even use it as a fitness tracker.

Another Great news is Infinix made the gadget open for all devices, as long as you own an Android device, simply head to Playstore and Download the X-band App here.


MODELInfinix Xband (XBO1)
Talk time 7 Hrs
Standby time 150 Hrs
Weight 26.7g
Display/Touch Ultra thin screen with smart touch – 0.96” POLED
Technology Wireless syncing
Body/Features Vibrations, reminders, timer,water resistance,

Water resistant

Battery life 100mAh
Water resistance IP 55
Processor STM32F401CEY6TR  84MHZ
Sensor G-sensor/Hall Sensor
ROM 512KB + 8MB External Flash
Steps Yes
Distance Yes
Calories Yes
Vibrating Yes
Reminders Yes
Anti-Lost alert Yes
Find my phone Yes
Goals Yes
Timer Yes

If you're looking for where to buy The Infinix X-Band you can look out for it at JUMIA AND ORDER for it.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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