
4 Reasons WhatsApp Video Call Feature May Suck

It was great news when WhatsApp went from being just an interesting messenger to having extra features like WhatsApp Web, and then Whatsapp voice call was added.
Right now there are rumors WhatsApp might be having Video call feature added to the list, they're still testing the new development on an iPhone, well, I am not totally against it but I feel video call on WhatsApp may end up not being the way you're anticipating it to be after you see the points below:

The App Size will Suck Your Phone's Memory:

When WhatsApp Video Call Feature arrives, you know the data size of the App will definitely increase, this means the WhatsApp will use more RAM on your smartphones, and it will likely crash often than before if the App is not well optimised or your device doesn't have large RAM.

Once again, some users will be left behind

Platforms: We all know other mobile platforms, J2ME and Symbian - Yes, **tongue-out** (they still exist) had been left behind since WhatsApp introduced the calling feature, this was only supported for Android OS 2.1 and above, on Apple iPhones it required iOS 6 or later, and you know how it took a while before eventually coming to Windows Phones. The moment Video calling feature is added, that's 2 steps forward, leaving the other guys behind.

Data Users: As it is with some countries that are yet to have a reliable fast and cheap internet, many people would wish but not be able to use the video calling feature.

We have Skype, FaceTime, IMO... How Many More Must We use?

WhatsApp may have somehow beaten Viber when they introduced Voice Call, but Skype, the biggest boss in the VoIP game is still doing great at Voice and Video calling.
Even Facebook Messenger does video calls, although we'd say different strokes for different folks but how many more must consumers use?

If WhatsApp introduces Video call, the only good thing about it will be benefits between Contact to Contact but if you're conversant with voice calling using WhatsApp and Skype; you'll testify that WhatsApp call is yet to be as good as Skype calls in terms of sound quality and instant responses.

Unless WhatsApp is coming with an exceptional way of doing video calls, most people will definitely stick with Skype for video calls on PC and Mobile.

Heck! They're Shifting From Traditional Messenger with No Privacy

Some users, including myself still see WhatsApp as a traditional text and multi-media messenger, however, glancing at the direction they're shifting to without User Privacy, their user experience may decline; reason being that ever since WhatsApp introduced Call feature, I believe you had received incoming call alerts at the least time you expected, this happens on other Messenger Apps too, and it's far more occasional on WhatsApp.
I recall an early morning, around 1:30AM somebody was ringing me on WhatsApp because I kept my internet on.
I bet same people would be using Video calls for more impromptu Calls like that when it arrives.


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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1 comment:

  1. Nice post bro.
    kinda like u are angry at whatsapp @No 3


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