
FIX: BBM & other Android Apps to display in Portrait/Landscape mode on Tecno Q1

The excitement which came from BBM coming to Android (running Android OS version 4 and up), went viral, about 7 million users signed up via mail to get the app on website and later got over One million users running the app after just 7 hours of its release on the Google Play store website.
It was like a dream come true for so many android users since they could now join the world of BBM and chat with both Blackberry and Android smartphone users alike.
Now, to the main purpose of this post, many Android phones, like mine which is built on Landscape type of screen were having issues with the view of the BBM App, it was bent and frustrating, BBM is not the only App behaving this way on Android phone screen built with Landscape view, other amazing apps having same problem include:
  • Instagram,
  • WeChat,
  • Skype, etc
Games like Temple Run and Subway Surfers were affected too.

So if your BBM or any other app is built to display on portrait mode, here is a QUICK FIX,
you'll need to Rotate and lock the rotated display on Landscape mode, just so that you won't have to keep bending your phone or tilt your head to understand what your phone is showing.
There are many apps that have been created to do this but the below are what I recommend, from my own experience.
Install and use it to Rotate your BBM app or any other apps.
Once the app is activated, it should correct your BBM to be displayed like the screenshot of my own below.

BBM App screen shot

Since some Android phones like Tecno Q1 are built in Landscape mode screens, after rotating an an App or Game that is originally meant to run on Portrait mode, this might affect the view, hence making some of the features, objects or tools hide away from the main screen, a good example of this is what happens when I use the app on Instagram, or on Games like Temple Run and Subway surf.

Aside the games, this Rotate app is meant to help your phone support display on any mode for easy use apps which are mainly Messengers, or Utility apps.

Hope the post was helpful. Don't forget to share. #Enjoy


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Author: Edi Dominic Ifediri

Best described as a geek with a mixture of skills in drawing comics, Content-Writing, Computing and Mobile technology, this was due to his passion for Arts and Sciences since the age of 14 that he kicked off with the mobile web. He is the Founder/Chief-Editor at EdiTweaks which had almost been noticed as one of Nigeria's Best Tech blogs
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