I was browsing a friend's facebook profile this morning and was amazed when I saw the popular Mark Zuckerberg commented on his blank post, I had a brief look around and found the App via which he did, so I did my own little tests on the Apps' website to see how it worked.
Whether you are gonna do it for fun, to trick some one or what ever reasons you have to do it, after reading this post, it's a sure thing that you wanna try it out.
With this site and App on facebook, you can create fake conversations on your wall with comments implemented by you, and It's easy stuff once you understand the quick steps to take.
So why not go try create one for yourself, remember this site will not be held responsible if it's been used for prohibited purposes.
And Don't forget to SHARE this post because your friends are definitely going to find it useful and fun filled. Enjoy!!!
Whether you are gonna do it for fun, to trick some one or what ever reasons you have to do it, after reading this post, it's a sure thing that you wanna try it out.
With this site and App on facebook, you can create fake conversations on your wall with comments implemented by you, and It's easy stuff once you understand the quick steps to take.
- Go to http://fakeconvos.com/
- Connect your facebook account with the website (make sure you are already logged In to make things easier)
- Create Fake Convo
- Input the Name Of the Commenter , and what makes this more interesting is that you can add commenter from your facebook friends' list, or the fake commenter's images from your own Directory, via URL, their Image Library or through the Google Image Search tool they included right there.
- Add the commenter's post.
- Add to Stream (A preview of what you are creating is also displayed at the top centre)
Here's a Sample of the one I created below :)So why not go try create one for yourself, remember this site will not be held responsible if it's been used for prohibited purposes.
And Don't forget to SHARE this post because your friends are definitely going to find it useful and fun filled. Enjoy!!!
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